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Thread: Intel Atom processor Vs Intel core 2 duo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Intel Atom processor Vs Intel core 2 duo

    I want to buy a home computer Can you help me to clear the doubts for this. I want this just to browse the internet and do some offices work. I want to ask you that which processor will be the best for me. Can you tell me the about the performance of Intel Atom processor. Tell me what is the distinction between the Intel Atom and Core 2 Duo chips? I want to use multiple programs at the same time so which will be beneficial for me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Intel Atom processor Vs Intel core 2 duo

    I we talk about the performance of the processors then Core 2 duo processor will give the better performance but if the discussion goes to the power consumption then I Atom will lead in this. This feature of Atom processor makes the battery life longer. Core 2 duo processor will be good for those people who want to play games along with the office work. So for the casual use you can go for Atom processor and you will not feel any difficulty while doing your work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Intel Atom processor Vs Intel core 2 duo

    As you told that you are using the computer for office use and use multiple programs at a time that is multitasking then Atom processor will be the best option for you. It is very good for ideal official work and for simple web browsing but that site do not have much of live TV stream and HD video. It lacks a bit in performance but it is very efficient about energy and portable.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Intel Atom processor Vs Intel core 2 duo

    There is no doubt that Core2Duo is better than the Atom processor. Atom will be a good processor for those people who are using the netbook but for the computers it is a slower processor. You can go for Atom if you want a system which is small and light weight. For other reasons you can go for the Core2Duo processor. I think you should buy Core2duo processor because you may need it in future.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Intel Atom processor Vs Intel core 2 duo

    Intel Atom has a single core and therefore it is a low powered processor. The good advantage for this processor is that it uses low power then standard Core 2 Duo chip. This increases the battery life. This is the best processor for Netbook. On the other hand Core 2 Duo processor has two core processor which gives the better performance. But it reduces the battery life. But if you want to use several programs at the same time then you should stick with Core 2 Duo chip.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Intel Atom processor Vs Intel core 2 duo

    It will be better for you to buy core 2 duo processor than buying Atom processor. Core2Deo is a 1066 fsb processor which contains 2MB of cache ram. It has two cores so it will speed up the processing. If we run many tasks together then the work is distributed between those two cores which ultimately increase the speed of computer.

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