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Thread: It's pretty hot down here! QX9650 60Cº on idle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    It's pretty hot down here! QX9650 60Cº on idle

    At the moment it was extremely hot 32Cº in city. In my room it was constant hotter, I was working in my t-shirt and I might say that I was burning. My brand innovative QX9650 that I recently acquired was even hotter at start-up. One of its cores was approximately 60Cº on idle and CPU temperature reached 65Cº on interpretation. So I made it run by means of low frequency in BIOS productively dropping it to 54Cº. Are my temperatures going abnormal.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: It's pretty hot down here! QX9650 60Cº on idle

    Surrounded by the alternatives that you encompass provided, the most excellent solution is the airconditioner. By means of the airconditioner, the whole thing in your room including yourself is supposed to be cooled down to a lower temperature. Would dropping my room temperature by means of air conditioner by 10 degrees in addition drop my CPU temperature by 10 degrees. If yes my CPU temperature would drop to 48-50Cº on idle. Is not it tranquil hot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: It's pretty hot down here! QX9650 60Cº on idle

    I cannot assurance that if the room temperature drops by 10 degrees you are processor's temperature determine to in addition drop by 10 particularly that you are considering to OC your system. Processor's temperature is dependent on room temperature and in addition on the load that it is handling. Load here means programs and additional processes worked. Added: The temperature variety 48-50 that you cited determine to be considered standard if the maximum temperature rating of the processor is not exceeded. In additional words, refer to the maximum permissible temperature rating of the processor to come up by means of a conclusion of the prevalent authentic temperature range of operation of your system.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: It's pretty hot down here! QX9650 60Cº on idle

    So Intel's max permissible temperature for QX9650 is 64.5Cº. And if on complete load I get 65-70Cº, be supposed to be I care to cool it down instantaneously or are these values immediately satisfactory. By the way as a graphic designer I utilize my system on complete load extremely often. To summarize what I have comprise written earlier, the system determine to not get overheated for the reason that it has an mechanical monitoring to increase the fan speed of the three fans in case the temperature gets near the greatest value (whatever the worth is - the 64.5 value is significant if you are a system builder, a designer, or a system analyst/evaluator). In a most horrible case scenario if ever the maximum temperature is reach the system determine to shut down to prevent damage to the system.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: It's pretty hot down here! QX9650 60Cº on idle

    In the case that you have cited, the max temperature is 64.5 and at occupied load the authentic temperature is in the range of 65 - 70. What occurs is that when the actual temp determines to rise to a worth approaching 64.5 the temperature sensor determine to cause the CPU fan plus the additional fans to work faster in an attempt to cool down the system. So the temperature that you cited determines to not happen. If this is not sufficient and the temperature determines to reach the value 65 the system determines to have to shut down. So the concern at present is that the air from the surrounding must be cool and that resolve be satisfied by the airconditioner.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: It's pretty hot down here! QX9650 60Cº on idle

    In view of the fact that you determine to be subjecting the system to complete load often then anticipate that your three fans determine to be working at near or full speed. On the other hand, if your airconditioner is large adequate to lower the room temperature to a low value the fans might not be working at complete speed. In actuality it is probable that they might be working at low speed.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: It's pretty hot down here! QX9650 60Cº on idle

    The 64.5 temperature cited is immediately a guideline an oversimplification as every chip is dissimilar. You actually encompass to worry regarding it overheating when the CPU starts throttling itself, that’s when it is nearing its max temperature. Even though you tranquil obviously desire a CPU to work with a cool as probable. To observe actually what temperatures your CPU determine to get to under full load, and to test or investigate its max temperature, put Prime 95 on for regarding 20 minutes. Subsequent to 20 mins of prime at full load your CPU determine to be at its highest it determine to almost certainly ever get. Even though your temperatures are not the lowest, observe how far you get with prime, technique decide what type of cooling you necessitate. By the technique do not forget to utilize something like real temps or speed fan to monitor your temperatures. In addition immediately a FYI,it is nigh on impracticable to damage a CPU nowadays from overheating it determine to soon shut itself down if it thinks it is too hot.

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