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Thread: Intel DG45ID motherboard beeps once on boot.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Intel DG45ID motherboard beeps once on boot.

    I dont know if I am the only one who is facing this problem with the Intel DG45ID motherboard. Whenever I start the computer, it beeps once. The computer works normally without any problems and hence I am more confused about the beep which is heard at start up of the computer. Is anybody else facing the same problem? Can anybody explain me what is the meaning of beep heard at startup? Any suggestions regarding the topic are more than welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Intel DG45ID motherboard beeps once on boot.

    According to me the single beep at the startup means that there is some problem with the system Memory. The motherboard beeps once when it is not able to access the system RAM. I would suggest that you open the computer and remove the RAM chips from their respective slots and clean the connecting terminal. After cleaning the RAM terminals, replace them in their respective slots and check if the beeping continues.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Intel DG45ID motherboard beeps once on boot.

    I am facing the same problem with the Intel DQ45CB motherboard which has Q45 chipset installed on it. This motherboard also beeps once while booting of the system but there is no problem faced while using the computer. I have checked all the error logs but it does not have entry about the start up issue. So if there are any solutions please suggest it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Intel DG45ID motherboard beeps once on boot.

    There is a setting in the BIOS setup of the new Intel boards which is known as Hard drive Acoustic Management (AAM). If this feature is enabled on the motherboard, the motherboard will beep once while booting. Therefore I would suggest that you check the AAM on the computer is locked to "Quiet" for all the connected Hard drives or not. If the settings are not as mentioned, revert it to Quiet and see if there is any improvement.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Intel DG45ID motherboard beeps once on boot.

    Hey thanks for replying to the post. You have mentioned the AAm settings on the BIOS of the system, so I want to know Where to check the hard drive acoustic management (AAM) lock on 'Quiet' for all hard drives ? Is it a advance setting inside Intel BIOS MEI configuration ? Are there any other alternatives for disabling the settings? Please help

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