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Thread: Audio driver problem of the Intel Desktop Board DG45ID

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Audio driver problem of the Intel Desktop Board DG45ID

    At my home Windows XP could be installed on my computer system, but because of the virus detection, I had to format my hard drive to delete the virus. After formatting I had installed the fresh copy of the Windows XP on my system. But when I can try to install the driver for audio on my computer, it can shows that it has been already installed, but it can not be working on computer. So, because of that I unable to installed the audio drivers and also I can unable to hear the audio. Can anyone help me to resolve the problem of the Intel Desktop Board DG45ID audio drivers. Reply Me!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Audio driver problem of the Intel Desktop Board DG45ID

    You can must only have to try to install the audio drivers for the Intel Desktop Board DG45ID. I suggest you to boot your computer system into the Safe Mode. To boot your computer into the Safe Mode continuously press the function F8 key that can be mounted on the keyboard until you can get the Safe Mode option on the black screen and after getting the option select it. After booting install the audio drivers for your Intel Desktop Board DG45ID. Then, I hope your problem can be resolve.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Audio driver problem of the Intel Desktop Board DG45ID

    I think you can have to download the audio drivers from the net. If you can downloading the audio drivers for the Intel Desktop Board DG45ID Audio Drivers then download it from the official site of the Intel desktop for the better performance instead of downloading from the other unreliable sources. The following link can automatically redirects you on the Intel site :
    Intel Desktop Board DG45ID Audio Drivers

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Audio driver problem of the Intel Desktop Board DG45ID

    I guess that your Windows XP can be corrupted or may be corrupted by the virus. I guides you that to load the original Windows XP on your computer. Because sometime it can occurs with the corrupted version of the Windows XP also. Load the fresh original Windows XP and then load all of the drivers including the audio drivers that can be needed for your Intel Desktop Board DG45ID.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Audio driver problem of the Intel Desktop Board DG45ID

    Hello, I suggest you that go onto the site of the Intel and find out what can be features of your Intel Desktop Board DG45ID related to the audio. I can found the following specification for Intel Desktop Board DG45ID as :
    Intel® High Definition Audio : sub-system in the following configuration:
    1. 8-channel (7.1+ 2 independent multi-streaming).
    2. Audio subsystem with five analog audio outputs.
    3. One optical S/PDIF digital audio output using the IDT 92HD73E audio codec.
    I guess you can resolve your the problem from the above specification by downloading the Realtek audio driver version 6224.3 v182.

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