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Thread: Problem With Intel DG45ID Motherboard

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Problem With Intel DG45ID Motherboard

    I recently bought a new intel motherboard. I recently bought a new intel DG45ID motherboard for my self. The thing is when i connected, it doesnot display anything. I tried with connections again, but no results. No beeps and no display.

    Please provide some suggestion regarding this

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Problem With Intel DG45ID Motherboard

    have the same board as your. the first time i set it up, i got a similar problem as yours. and i found out that its actually that i put the ram in the wrong slot. did you follow the instruction in the user manual regarding installation of ram stick? you have to start from the slot which nearest to the floppy controller

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Problem With Intel DG45ID Motherboard

    ok, try reset bios. after which, unplug everything from motherboard and try boot up with just a stick of ram, video card, cpu+hsf.

    note : make sure ram stick sit firmly on dimm 3.

    Were you careful to only install motherboard standoffs where there were holes in the motherboard?
    Remove the motherboard and hook it up outside the case.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Problem With Intel DG45ID Motherboard


    There are "cases" of cases (pun intended) where some short or other in the mounting causes problems.


    The motherboard, processor, one stick of RAM

    The power supply

    The keyboard

    A Display card if video is not on board.

    Make sure the video card is one that you know works, and is not "fussy."

    That's all--NO other cards, NO drives, NO floppy, NOTHING else.

    Now see if it will post, and at least get into the bios/setup.

    PAY ATTENTION to the audible beep codes. You can lookt them up on the motherboard support site, and in some well written manuals.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Problem With Intel DG45ID Motherboard

    On some young mobo's especially "young" ones, people have ran into trouble when they started over clocking and ran into a big problem that their system now does not boot and can't be resurrected. There is no video signal at boot time? Fans turn, Hdd spin up, red & green lights are on on the mobo....tried clearing CMOS but it does not help? Any ideas what to do next?

    Answer to this as described above is you have hosed your BIOS chip. Most over-clockers will have encountered this in Ocing NF2 boards. It's a well-documented problem of the NF2 chipset saving new BIOS settings via the NB memory - which corrupts the data when FSB is "out of spec". It's generally a problem to younger boards but as they get "run in", they mature and the problem disappears. As I have said before, because of this flakiness its a good idea to have another bios rom and hot-flash the old one if this happens to you, if your into Ocing then a backup spare Bios rom

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Problem With Intel DG45ID Motherboard

    I hav connected HDMI port with my Intel DG45ID board with Quad core 2.66 processor
    but there is no display on that monitor
    Basically i need dual independent display on two sepearte monitors
    wht should i do ??

    But there is a thing i must mention here tht i have two VGA LCD monitors ...
    I have used DVI to VGA converter for one LCD
    and used HDMI to DVI then DVI to VGA converter for secnd LCD ...

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