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Thread: Abit Motherboard Problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Abit Motherboard Problem

    hi there

    I have abit IS7-E motherboard with P2.4, 2GB, ati radeon 9600xt. and it wasworking fine untill machine didnot boot. I also tried but mobo is
    beeping monitor did not wake from stand by. I also reseated DIMMs, graphic,
    unplug disk, clear CMOS and nothing happened but when I boot it is still
    beeping and monitor is in stand by.
    What should I do?

    Please provide some suggestion regarding this

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Abit Motherboard Problem

    What kind of beeping? This page gives a list of beep codes for
    Award/Phoinix BIOS and in the upper right, you can choose AMI BIOS if
    you have that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Abit Motherboard Problem

    The long beeps are continuous, and i have noticed the before it beeps, my cd-rw and dvd-rw will light up. So its like this CD-RW lights, DVD-RW lights, then the drivers lights go off until it's bout to beep again. I pressed the open button on the CD-RW and right before it beeps, the cd-rw will automaticly pull the drive back in when it beeps. I switched the CD-RW as primary, and hard drive as secondary, and vise versa. Still, the same thing happends with the drive lights. I have switched out the memory with new memory, in different locations, and the memory works. There is still no video, just a blank screen. Can someone please tell me what they think is wrong? I really need this to work and it would help me out a whole lot.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Abit Motherboard Problem

    I'm pretty sure it's not RAM, soundcard, modem, videocard, harddrive, or optical drives. I suspected that it might be my powersupply, so I replaced it with an Antec Truepower430. Success! It worked for about an hour, then decided to sieze up again and die. I have the same symptoms that you guys do, and I've already sent my mobo back to Asus once for repair. It worked for a few months after I got my repaired mobo back. Is it the mobo? I'm not sure. One of you guys said that you had to replace your processor?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Abit Motherboard Problem

    It's long beeps not like the kind you get when its the Ram (I call those fast ones)
    It's a new build, with a PcChips 805LM, it was the first boot, I thought it was the video card but swapped out the pci for an agp.
    Nope no video no post no nuttin honey, cept that infernal beeping

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