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Thread: 4GB Kingston HyperX

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    4GB Kingston HyperX

    I just received today my Kingston HyperX Pc8500 Ram - Hooray, because now I can run the 4GB Dual Channel, rather than 3Gb Single Channel!

    But the story was a sharp end - when I put that stick in pc it shows bios to run 4GB Single Channel 64bit?

    I have 4 of the same stick set in from Kingston - all with the same speed and timing - 5-5-5-15 - So 4 x 1 Gb.

    Why they will not run in dual channel? My Motherboard is a gigabyte as fine should underpin it - with 4 RAM sockets - 2 red and 2 yellow.

    Hope there is a genius who just can help me out there.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: 4GB Kingston HyperX

    Have tried to put the two modules at a time in dual channel config? possible. one of the old modules with the new module. May be that specs/timing has changed .. new revision or something.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: 4GB Kingston HyperX

    It is because the GZ 6bx8 does not take DDR2 RAM. Since it is a Pentium 3 motherboard it just takes sdram.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: 4GB Kingston HyperX

    It is not a Pentium 3 motherboard - it is an AM2+ with an AMD 64 X2 5600 cpu

    Name of the Motherboard is exactly: MA-770-DS3

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