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Thread: Nvidia driver, impossible to switch to clone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Nvidia driver, impossible to switch to clone

    I install the latest driver for my 8800GTX, the 180.48 for vista 64 but I can not put my display mode NView clone, then it is extended mode!
    apparently you should move the icon of the box On one another to switch to clone and separate switch to extended, I'm trying to trick since 30min running properly in the hallway to fill the large drag of 2 on the TV 1 large PC, but nothing happens!
    This is annoying because I can not play movies on my TV except in the setting and main display on the screen of the PC, there is more "stubborn" to the right so we lost cursor!
    an idea?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Nvidia driver, impossible to switch to clone

    There is no solution for it to hand back to the old driver?
    it is a pity because it indicated that it is much more powerful!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Nvidia driver, impossible to switch to clone


    I do not have two monitors connected to my machine so I have never tested to see how it works, though it may be the driver who is involved, trying to see the beta (180.70)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Nvidia driver, impossible to switch to clone

    Yes,I had not see if there was a beta, I'll try that cost nothing!
    I got you posted!
    in fact there is no beat latest version, only the oldest 180.43!
    at least not for 8800GTX and Vista 64!
    I'll try this one, otherwise revert to the old version if nobody knows how to solve this problem!
    ah, if I found on google but not on the official website of nVidia, it's even better!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Nvidia driver, impossible to switch to clone

    Hi, what is the drivers that you have given?
    Because I have to put the latest drivers for my 9800GTX and I have the option of putting the video in full screen playback automatically on the second screen.
    Thank you.

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