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Thread: Transcend of Zion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Transcend of Zion

    I want know which is best of these RAM's Transcend or Zion, before i buy one.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Zion is quiet a Ok-Ok Company but Transcend is better than Zion and they cost nearly the same ! I would seriously disagree. With the 1000s of transcend fakes in the market, its impossible to get a genuine product. However with zion, as they always use genuine hynix chips, there is no question of bad quality. Moreover they give national 3 yrs warrnty that too table replacement. Moreover, being an indian firm, the after sales support are excellent! Check this out

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    You can go with Transcend Ram because it offers a good value for money, and is reliable too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Get the ram that u already have. If it's a transcend, get transcend. Although it will be hard to find an identical stick if it's Hynix, but try to find a stick same as your current one.....

    If u purchased ram with any of ur friends, i mean u 2 purchased ram together, and he has the other identical 256Mb in his comp... use that and get him another ram....

    Otherwise, I'll say Corsair value select is still better than all that's available in India.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Appy10 View Post
    You can go with Transcend Ram because it offers a good value for money, and is reliable too.
    Transcend DOES NOT even make high quality ram, just the basic stuff, on 28th march transcend released it official 2x1Gb DDR2-800, this was one of the world's cheapest DDR2-800, there are no good Transcend ram with heat spreaders etc...

    Kingston, Corsair both make a good range of ram, and are usually good, all ram modules are not the same, but these companies no doubt produce some of the world's best ram.

    Transcend is popular in India because it is the only cheap brand that is easily available in India, we can hardly call Hynix a brand.

    But we Indians are so fascinated by the CPU in our comp, we hardly care about important things like RAM/PSU. In almost every comp that I have built for myself, my ram cost me equal to my CPU, and quite often more. Good ram is more important, you can crank up a cpu, but not a crappy ram. A crappy ram cripples the system badly.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Transcend is better then Zion but you can try kingston, the Corsair is good then the Transcend .
    kingston or Corsair ,,,,,

  7. #7
    Dr. V Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by robodude View Post
    Transcend is better then Zion but you can try kingston, the Corsair is good then the Transcend .
    I seriously disagree. i've been using a ZION ram for quite sometime now and am really satisfied with its performance. After having warranty issues with Corsair, I tried ZION and am glad i did that .

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