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Thread: Radeon R9 290x vs R9 290

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Radeon R9 290x vs R9 290

    I am looking to buy a decent graphics card so that I can play high end games at some good resolutions and less lag problems. I came across two graphics card, that is, Radeon R9 290X and R9 290. In between these 2 cards, there is a huge margin in price for the R9 290X which is sold at $50 more compared to the R9 290 video card? I was wondering whether it is worth it to go with the R9 290X or else a regular 290 card will suffice for my requirement? Thanks for any suggestions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Radeon R9 290x vs R9 290

    If you are planning to play high end games at 4K resolution then you should go with the Radeon R9 290x, if you are not then the regular R9 290 card will just do fine. It usually depends on you to choose because in the end you need to get satisfied with your choice and gaming requirements. What is the maximum budget you are looking to spend? I have heard that AMD is soon going to release the Radeon 300 series graphics card in this summer season, so if you can wait that much you can decide which one to go for really.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Radeon R9 290x vs R9 290

    Yes, even I have to agree that the Radeon 200 series cards are now pretty old and you must wait for the AMD 300 series video card which will be out very soon. If it is better than the GTX 900 series then you can have your choice of graphics card already. As for the performance ratio between the 2 cards, R9 290x and R9 290, is rather small with everything being equal, like same build quality, cooler, brand, etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Radeon R9 290x vs R9 290

    I have read that the Radeon R9 290 card is the non overclocking model where else the R9 290x is the overclocking model graphics card. However, if I were you then I would also wait for the 390 series to see how great in terms of performance and overlocking it will be. But if you want something real quick then get the 290 regular one if you dont plan to overclock the card. I will suggest you to wait for the next generation cards if you are planning to play games at higher resolution though.

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