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Thread: What is most required to build a 4K pc

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    What is most required to build a 4K pc

    I want to setup a media server at my home. And I want that this system must be able to provide 4K video output on all connected devices. Like a widescreen TV or a smartphone or tablet or even on console. The one that I have is having issue with streaming a 4K video. And it is quiet slow. I had tried a lot but it does not help. So I want to know which hardware component is the best to stream a 4K video on different channels. And it must work. I am ready to upgrade my current pc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: What is most required to build a 4K pc

    Well you need a good graphic card for that. Then only you will get what you are looking for. Here if you are not having a good gpu then it will be very hard for you to get resolution that you are looking for. Sometime even dual graphic cards are needed. Today you can find a few gpu which has marked on them that they officially support 4K videos. And that would be quiet easier and simple to try out. So you have to work on the gpu part. You have to choose one that is high end and supports your motherboard also.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: What is most required to build a 4K pc

    Here you need a nice graphic card and then only you will be able to get the resolution that you are looking for. There are new high end cards in the market that comes with a specified hardware support for 4K. Right-now the only good requirement that you need is a good gpu support so that you can get a large video memory that can work really well. For producing such a high resolution you need a smooth system that can work for longer period and also different type of video connectivity.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: What is most required to build a 4K pc

    The cheapest card that I can find which has this 4K video support is SAPPHIRE AMD R5 230. The cost of this is around Rs.4700. You will be getting a memory size of 2GB on that. This card comes with different connectivity options and also supports 4K. I think you must try out the same. This card has a good reviews and it can be a ideal for making a decent media center system. You can get a much better video resolution on the same. It also supports all latest windows OS.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: What is most required to build a 4K pc

    There is a need of overall hardware when it comes to build a media center pc. Like you need a good storage option. If you go with a regular hard drive then there might be lagging issue in the streaming. Which I had seen commonly when I try to connect a projector to my pc. You also need a good amount of ram here. Just adding the graphic card is not enough. Also you need a good processing power also that will increase the speed of video streaming and offer you a reliable system.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: What is most required to build a 4K pc

    There are ready to use assembled htpc that will give you enough support for playing all this 4K videos. I think you can find some good models under Dell. HTPC are quiet designed to work with media files. There you need a good hard drive which can offer smooth streaming of HD videos. They are also loaded with enough amount of ram and processing power. Here what matters is the video memory. That means a decent graphic card. And if you get a good one then you can also play games on them.

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