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Thread: Buying a pair of monitors for dual screen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Buying a pair of monitors for dual screen

    I am looking for a pair of monitors that can be ideal for dual screen usage. I check many online site and I can find is single monitors. There are is no ready to use dual screen setup. I am not very sure about connecting them. I want a ready to use setup. I am having a pc with a graphic card that has dual hdmi port. I can connect both the display on that. I also tried finding out the same in a nearby shop but all I can find is single monitor. It will be hard to make them dual screen as I have to pay separate for the stand.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Buying a pair of monitors for dual screen

    Yes that is correct. You will have to anyhow pay separate for the stand. Most of the monitor that you buy in the market comes with single stand. And that is the default package accessory. For dual screen you have to get a separate platform. And on that you have to connect the monitor screen. You can also try using wall mounting which is quiet common now a days. Wall mounting let you connect more than one monitor. It is easy not very complicated. You just have to call sometime to fix the wall mount panel.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Buying a pair of monitors for dual screen

    Just search for dual monitor stand on the web. And you can find ample of them. You have to buy two monitor separately first. And then you can get a dual monitor stand and hook them on your desk.This can cost you around Rs.3000 max. You can get a decent one with simple adjustment. You can connect two monitor on them and place the same on the table. Also you have to check the dual monitor connectivity on your graphic card. Some cards needs a separate display adapter for the same.

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