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Thread: GTX 570 + Dual Monitors: Primary Screen flickers every few seconds

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    GTX 570 + Dual Monitors: Primary Screen flickers every few seconds

    hello friends, I am having a newly built system with the following specification. It has got intel core i5 processor, 8GB DDR3,GTX 750, HX750, Intel X25-M 80GB SSD, Velociraptor etc. I have set up dual monitors for it such that one is my primary screen and other is the secondary one. Every thing was set up in the proper manner. But there is a problem with one of the screen. One of the screen just flickers black after every five seconds. It is the primary screen which is showing such problem. When I go to run BFBC2, I get the message saying “ display driver has stopped working and has recovered”. Can anyone let me know what is the solution for this issue.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: GTX 570 + Dual Monitors: Primary Screen flickers every few seconds

    That’s truly innovative. Is you have the appropriate video card then the problem should not persist. First of all check for the settings like the Refresh rate. It is possible that the Nvidia drivers is not installed properly. Uninstall the driver and then again try by reinstalling it. Use the other monitor as your primary screen and see if you are able to get out of this problem. Check if the problem is with the DVI connection. Confirm that the video card installed in your system is well compatible. Do you have the latest update for the video driver. If no,t then get the latest update for the driver and reboot the system.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: GTX 570 + Dual Monitors: Primary Screen flickers every few seconds

    If your video driver is not updated then this might be one of the reason for flickering screen. Run BFBC2 and see if it makes any difference. Reboot the system and again launch BFBC2, now see what happens. Did you still get the notification or the error message. If so, then uninstall the current driver that you are using and then intall the different version of the video driver. There are many version of Nvidia drivers available, and I am sure it will solve the problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: GTX 570 + Dual Monitors: Primary Screen flickers every few seconds

    How you have connected the screen to the card. Check the connections of the monitors and make sure that they are connected in the right manner. Disconnect the monitor cables and then swap the connections between the ports. Did you observe any difference. Try to run HDMI instead of 2 DVIs, to the screen that you consider to be the primary one. By running HDMI in one of the screen might solve the problem. Get the different version of Nvidia driver and install it to the system and reboot the computer for driver to take effect. If still your problem is not solved then just RMA the card.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: GTX 570 + Dual Monitors: Primary Screen flickers every few seconds

    Get the different video card.. I was also using the EVGA GTX580 card, but has to return it back. The card was having problem with the dual monitors. I was using different outputs for the receiver and HDTV that I had. With the alternate BIOS you can flash the GPU, which can likely solve the problem. Go to Nvidia control panel and confirm that the refresh rate is set properly. Then select display Properties and then click advance monitors tab, just uninstall the driver for monitor and then restart the computer.

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