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Thread: How to use the TV tuner card as a PVR

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    How to use the TV tuner card as a PVR

    My difficulty is that I have a mediocre TV tuner card. It can tune up to 125 channels. But digital set top box from time Warner can show me regarding 300 odd channels. Also the method I have the settop box linked to the TV right now is that I get all my shows on HDMI input of my TV. The entire channel changing is done using the settop box's remote. If I attach my settop box to my TV tuner card, how will I get my entire channel? How would I plan recording? Also since my tuner card can only show 125 channels, will I loss the rest of the channels?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: How to use the TV tuner card as a PVR

    First, let's break this down into a small number of dissimilar parts. Television Tuners can tune dissimilar kind of signals...there is OTA (Over the Air), Clear QAM wire and Premium wire. The Over the Air are the signals broadcast from your home Television Stations. Previous to the DTV transition, these signals were broadcast as National Television System Committee and now they are ATSC. The majority Television tuners on the bazaar today can handle the ATSC signals very fine. Depending on how distant you are from the broadcast towers, barriers between you and the tower and presently how many broadcasters are in your area will determine how many stations you might really receive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to use the TV tuner card as a PVR

    For secluded/premium content, you require a dissimilar type of tuner knows as Digital Cable Tuner (DCT). From time to time these are known as OCUR tuners. These can decrypt the channels that are prearranged (like HBO, Movie Channel, etc.). The OCUR tuner works in combination among a wire card from your wire corporation. The card is "paired" among your workstation and then your workstation becomes your Set Top Box (STB) successfully removing requires to have a cable STB. on the other hand, DCT's are not shameful tuner cards.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: How to use the TV tuner card as a PVR

    Thank you for that full clarification of stuff that would have taken me an year to figure out on my own. That was an amazing explanation and I cannot thank you enough for the time. So if I get the line card, I should be okay? Seem like it’s not value the Moolah to shift from my XBMC to this solution. Since if not I spend in excess of 200, I would enable to have PVR functionality, it mean I would have the equal functionality my XBMC previously offers among this truthfulness. Also even if I proceed and build out a HTPC, how will I exchange my 50 odd DVDs into towering quality videos that could be played from the HDD? What kind of converter do you use?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: How to use the TV tuner card as a PVR

    In some cases, to get the HD channels and superiority, a television capture card might be a better solution than a television tuner card. TV capture cards can be more expensive. The television tuner cards have a number of boundaries and profit. It is almost certainly best to set yourself up through component cabling than HDMI to avoid content limit problems. If the HTPC is shut to the television and set-top box, you run into less trouble (connection and remote issues). Lawfully you have the similar fair rights to copy as under the elderly VCR. I hope this information will help you.

  6. #6
    Cammpbell Guest

    Re: How to use the TV tuner card as a PVR

    its cable. and it runs like tv, with dvr and everything. you get a tv remote, just like the real deal and it plays full screen on your monitor. im not sure how this works (or how well rather) with dual monitors, i never got around to hooking my other one up.

    if you live on your computer, its kind ofa pain in the *** because you can't use your computer and watch tv at the same time

    i don't think you can do anything wireless since you need a coaxial cable to receive the images.

    the one i have is the all-in-wonder
    it works pretty well, although i don't use the tv part much since i only have th one monitor at the moment. oh and the receiver is a little tiny box with a usb plug-in
    Last edited by Maqbool; 16-03-2011 at 05:23 PM. Reason: External Links Not Allowed, Removed The Same.

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