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Thread: Facing performance issues in playing Crysis and Far cry 2 game

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Facing performance issues in playing Crysis and Far cry 2 game

    I normally play Crysis and Farcry 2 games on my system. Initially it was working fine, but it has started showing some problem. I face the problem, while i try to load new areas and sometime it does not settle down. I feel that, i am getting this peoblem because the system might be trying to load new textures from the hard drive. How will i solve this issue out? Please recommend some solution for me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    re: Facing performance issues in playing Crysis and Far cry 2 game

    According to me you are getting this problem, because there might be malware in your system. So you will need to do a check of the malware on your system and if you find any of them, then remove it from the system and then try to run the game.I think the games will work fine now. I hope the the solution which i have provided will help you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    re: Facing performance issues in playing Crysis and Far cry 2 game

    I have tried to check the malware in my system and i did not find any malware on my system. I am running a antivirus on my system, so i think that there will not be any problem of malware on my system. So what should i do now as i am not able to fix my issue. Can any one provide me the solution for the same? Thanks for the previous reply.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    re: Facing performance issues in playing Crysis and Far cry 2 game

    I think that your problem is related with the Hard Drive I/O. The problem you are facing is, your hard drive is not able to page out old information while retrieving the new information. Make use of the faster hard drive by setting up a RAID array or making the use of a SSD for your system. Secondly you can try to increase the capacity of your RAM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    re: Facing performance issues in playing Crysis and Far cry 2 game

    Thanks for the reply, but it is not solving my issue. I tried setting up a RAID array and also i tried to increase the capacity on my RAM. Doing all this did not bring any change to my problem. Now i am very much frustrated with this problem as i have tried a lot to solve this issue. So i request you to provide me a nice fix. Thanks again.

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