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Thread: NVIDIA GeForce GT 445m performance?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    NVIDIA GeForce GT 445m performance?

    I am thinking to buy the NVIDIA GeForce GT 445m but I am not having any idea about it. So thought that you guys will help me in solving my problem (as usual ). Please provide some information regarding the GeForce GT 445m performance and the other things related to the topic. Also I am interested in GF106 architecture that is implemented. I hope that I am clear with my query and you guys will provide some notes soon.

  2. #2
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    Feb 2010

    Re: NVIDIA GeForce GT 445m performance?

    The NVIDIA GeForce GT 445m is a fast mid-range graphics card for notebooks, which was presented to 2010th It is based on the GF106 supports core, which is a branch of the Fermi architecture and, therefore, DirectX 11 and OpenGL 4.0. In the 445m GTX 144 are the 192 shaders unlocked (as opposed to the GTX 460M). There are two different versions of the GT 445m, which should also differ in performance significantly. One with fast GDDR5 graphics memory and 192 bit memory bus, and a slower version with DDR3 memory and 128-bit connection (in this case are used less memory chips).

  3. #3
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    Feb 2010

    Re: NVIDIA GeForce GT 445m performance?

    I would like to discuss about the GF106 architecture. The core of the GF106 GT 445m based on the GF100 (GeForce GTX 480M) and offers up to 192 shaders and a 192 bit memory bus for GDDR5. Compared to the core GF104, GF106, so to speak is a divided version. This is not the architecture with the GT215 (GeForce GTS 350M) or GT216 (GeForce 330M GT) is used. In contrast to the smaller GF100 GF104, GF106 and GF108 cores, however, were not only slimmed down, but altered significantly.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2010

    Re: NVIDIA GeForce GT 445m performance?

    The chips are based on the consumer market (GF100 for professional applications) and have more shaders (3x16 instead of 2x16), texture units (8 instead of 4) and sfUser (special function units) per Streaming Multiprocessors (SM). Since still only two Warp Scheduler to take care of the three shader units, however, Nvidia grew to a superscalar architecture to. This shader can theoretically better utilize the computing and performance per core increase. In the worst-case performance, however, can also worse than the GF100 architecture (and its predecessors) be.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2010

    Re: NVIDIA GeForce GT 445m performance?

    The important for professional use ECC memory protection was omitted completely and cut the FP64 hardware (only 1 / 3 of the shaders are capable of FP64 and therefore 1 / 12 of the FP32 performance). By pruning in comparison to the size of a GF100 SM increased by only 25% despite the higher number of shaders. Due to the different shader architecture and the higher clock speed of the processor cores at Nvidia, the number can not be compared directly with the AMD Radeon graphics cards (eg HD 5730).

  6. #6
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    Feb 2010

    Re: NVIDIA GeForce GT 445m performance?

    The performance of the GeForce GT 445m is comparable due to changes in architecture are not directly linked with such a GeForce GTS 350M. The 192 bit memory in conjunction with GDDR5 memory should provide sufficient memory bandwidth. The 128-bit version (with DDR3 could, however, thwarted by the low memory bandwidth, and should thus be much slower. Direct competitor to the GT 445m is the Mobility Radeon HD 5830-5850 which is also available with DDR3 and GDDR5 is. The Fermi based graphics chips, however, offer a significantly higher performance than the tessellation Radeon HD 5000 graphics chips.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2006

    Re: NVIDIA GeForce GT 445m performance?

    Another first for GF104/106/108 chips is to support the transmission of HD audio bitstream (Blu-Ray) via HDMI connection. Like the Radeon HD 5850, the GTX 460M Dolby True HD and DTS-HD bitstream transmitted by without quality loss to a suitable receiver. For decoding of HD video through the video card supports PureVideo HD GT445M. The built-in video processor 4 (VP4) dominated the feature set of C and can thus MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 Part 2 (MPEG-4 ASP - such as DivX or Xvid), H.264 and VC-1/WMV9 fully decode the graphics card (VLD, IDCT, motion compensation and deblocking).

  8. #8
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    Aug 2006

    Re: NVIDIA GeForce GT 445m performance?

    Furthermore, can simultaneously decode two streams in real time to implement such as Blu-ray Picture-in-Picture (2x1080p DXVAChecker lt). Also called PureVideo HD, the ability of the HDCP encryption for digital connections. For general calculations (eg, video transcoding), the shader cores (also called CUDA cores) interfaces CUDA, DirectCompute 2.1 and OpenCL be addressed by. Thanks to PhysX physics calculations, the 445m also shifted to the GPU.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: NVIDIA GeForce GT 445m performance?

    According to Nvidia is new to the support for 3D vision, including support for HDMI 1.4a. So you can (if supported by the laptop manufacturer) 3D games, 3D Web streaming video, 3D photos and 3D Blu-Ray video playback on a 3D television (3DTV by separate play) or the internal 3D display. The power consumption of the GeForce GT 445m, according to rumors at about 45 Watts (TDP of the MXM boards including memory) and settled for 15-17 "notebooks this. Without load, the chip can automatically overclock the 2D mode on 50/100 MHz (chip / shader) and 200/400 MHz in 3D mode down to save power. It also supports the GF106 Optimus to automatically switch between integrated graphics processor and Nvidia GPU. This needs to be implemented by the laptop manufacturer and can not be retrofitted.

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