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Thread: NVIDIA GT206 and GT212 in early 2009

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    NVIDIA GT206 and GT212 in early 2009

    At a lecture given by Elsa, a new roadmap on future outings NVIDIA chip was unveiled. This suggests that NVIDIA will offer a version of its 55 nanometers GTX 260, this version would code-named GT 206. It would be expected by the end of the year / early next year.

    Most interesting, however, remains the appearance for the beginning of a GeForce 2009 GTX 280 engraved in 45 nanometers and known under the code name GT212. For the moment, it is unclear whether it will issue a simple "die shrink" with operating frequencies higher or if NVIDIA will take the opportunity to optimize a little more architecture to counter ATI solutions which start to make real shadow on the segment middle, high and very high quality.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Yes, it seems a little late at all, knowing ATI will not stand ideally by (well at least I hope). We still feel the backlash of HD48X0 which forced Nvidia to get out fingers, something they have not done since the exit of the first 88xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Ah super, there are GTX280-65nm and 45nm-GTX280 and even GTX280-55nm with a little luck, before the arrival of 35nm and GTX280-GTX280-35nmGX2!

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