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Thread: Looking for a new MS product

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Looking for a new MS product

    I am responsible to improve our current PM tool system for the company. Currently, we are using MS-Project Standard 2010 for our scheduling purposes and a customize PM tool on Excel for budgeting and reporting. Our data comes from SharePoint, Invoices datasheet (Excel) and BillQuick (timesheet) program. We have to enter every data manually into the PM Tool (Excel) and MS Project almost every week (time consuming). I am looking for a new way to integrate MS products together and create a automate link between MS-Project, Excel and SharePoint to import and export data and reports. Initially, I thought MS Project Server could be a good approach to take, however I just found out that there are too many other Microsoft products that could help us in a better way especially with new 2013 version. I am just so confuse, could you please help me with your suggestion. I am not an IT person and don't have any knowledge about programming or VB, I am just working as part of PMG (Project Management Group) and looking for some improvements to our system that could help us to enter and maintain data automatically, and then we would be able to create reports in a short period of time. Our Excel PM Tool and MS project schedule file is really huge due to high numbers of data and tasks that we need to track. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Looking for a new MS product

    In case the reply is not approved by the moderator - this same question hasw been posted to the TechNet forums Project forum under the same title.

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