What are the little dots extending past some task bars in the gantt chart?
What are the little dots extending past some task bars in the gantt chart?
They indicate a split - usually where zero actual work has been logged. Take a look at the Task usage view, show actual work - likely there are zeros extending the end date of the task.
Thanks Julie.
Do you know whether the dots can be avoided?
I get these dots when, for example, you have two tasks, A and B, where B is dependent on A with a FF relationship.
If B has started, and then you increase the duration of A, B is split into 2 parts; the completed part stays where it is, and the uncompleted part of B moves out to line up with A's new end date, with dots in between the two parts of B.
So far so good.
If you increase the duration of A again, you now get dots either side of the uncompleted part of B, and so on, each time you increase the duration of A, dots are added either side of B.
What is project trying to do?
Can you avoid this happening? I don't want the task to split in this situation, but to extend from its original start date to its new finish date without any dots.
I find that if you manually decrease the duration of B down to its actual duration, then increase it back out to match the end of A, you can avoid the split.
Any ideas?
Once you start task B by logging actuals - its start date is set. As you extend the duration of task A Project attempts to maintain the F to F relationship between A & B. In order to keep the Actual Start of B accurate and maintain the relationship, Project has to split the task.
Logically there is no way to avoid this other than manually increasing the duration of task B.
Are you wishing to extend the duration (and work) of task B if task A increases? In that case (and very reluctantly will I suggest this) - instead of setting a F to F relationship - remove the link relationship and copy the finish date of A. Then paste Link that finish date to the finish date of B.
Now as A increases - the duration of B increases as its finish is linked through OLE to the finish of A.
Thanks for the help Julie. I guess I will need to manually adjust the length of these tasks.
You're welcome and thanks for the feedback.