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Thread: Baseline Column Date automatically updates Finish Date

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Baseline Column Date automatically updates Finish Date

    I looking for a solution, whether within MS Project functions or the use of a macro to automatically update the finish column date, if the Baseline date for that column is changed to a date over the Finish date, but still allows you to change the Finish date if needed.

    Within my plan I have a Duration, Start, Baseline Finish and Finish columns. What I need is, if the Baseline Finish date for a activity is changed to date after the Finish date, it automatically updates the Finish date to the same as Baseline Date, but still allows you to change the Finish Column date, to date after Baseline Finish date, if the Milestone slips, and a date before Baseline Finish date, if the Milestone has been achieved before Baseline.

    Hope that make sense.

    Any help would be highly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Baseline Column Date automatically updates Finish Date

    My guess is that he might be confused the "Start" and "Finish" fields as the baseline. Those fields modify at what time you enter Actual. To create a true baseline, you have to project baseline by a Tool for monitoring and Save Baseline. " There are several options in this dialog box, but once created, the baseline start and Finish dates of reference will not change unless someone manually changes or new baselines. Hope this helps in your world.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Baseline Column Date automatically updates Finish Date

    Many thanks for reply. I thought my thread might be confusing. I totally understand the processes of creating a Baseline and have not confused the "Start" and "Finish" fields as the baseline.

    Just say you add a new line on your project. The "Start" and "Finish" columns will have default date and the "Baseline Finish" column will have "NA" until you select a date. What i want is, as soon as i select a date in the "Baseline Finish" column it will update the date in the "Finish" column. So I don’t have to select the same date in the "Finish" column. Usually at the start of a activity the "Baseline Finish" date is the same as the Actual Finish column date. Its only later on where you might realise that we can complete this task before baseline or the task may slip and be completed after baseline, hence the "Finish" column date will change accordingly and "Baseline Finish" will stay the same.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Baseline Column Date automatically updates Finish Date

    Hi Adam,

    Sorry, not possible. The Finish field cannot be manipulated through formulas and if you use a custom field (Finish1 for example), you cannot both have a formula and then be able to modify the data manually.

    I'm unclear as to why you are "selecting" dates in the Finish or Baseline Finish field. The Finish is usually calculated based upon Start date+ duration and if you specify a Finish date manually, you are constraining the task with a Finish No Earlier Than constraint. Usually a baseline Finish field is populated by saving a baseline and initially matches the Finish date. The Baseline Finish is not then normally modified except through agreement with all stakeholders.

    The Actual Finish will update Finish (it has to) but the baseline finish is not modified and is used to calculate Finish Variance.

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