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Thread: Xbox 360 Media Center Extender Setup on Windows Vista Ultimate Issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Xbox 360 Media Center Extender Setup on Windows Vista Ultimate Issues

    I need some help here to deal with connectivity setup between Xbox 360 and Media Center. I am not able to find a proper solution that really works. I want to use Xbox as extender on Windows Vista PC. It is really strange to find that Xbox is not able to work properly with Vista. I had done a number of settings but still the setup fails to work. I am not able to add the extender to the Vista network. I had added a dedicated port to the xbox so that it can easily stream content from it. When I was sharing file from the network it ask for a code and the same was provided by Windows Network Sharing. After adding the code the file were shared. But when I try to play them there was a error.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Try to run off all the security applications in your system and then check back. Turn off you firewall and UAC. Create a public network with no restrictions at all. If there any restricted space then it is not going to work well. Xbox has some problem with connectivity on Vista network. While compared to that the same works very well on Windows XP. I am using the same on Windows XP and till yet not facing any problem. There is a nice guide on web provided by Microsoft that you can use to create a you own shared network and access the files.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    That's it. Diasabling the ICS of the wireless adapter does the trick.

    Thanks, Chriztofor.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Exact Same Problem

    I Am Having The Ecact Same Problem Only Thing Is Im On A Routher With A Ethernet Cord I Have No Idea Whats Going On But No Pc Found Its Realy Getting Me Reved Up So If Anyone Can Help Me That Be Awsome Thx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    What is the actual problem you are getting. It is right that Xbox has issue with Vista, but with minor changes you can make it work. I was not able to access internet on Vista network. Later on I tried to make changes in the network connection and somehow it worked. I cannot figure out why Microsoft made it so complicated in Vista, while XP has some very common set of applications. It is also not complicated to find settings and updates for XP while Vista has problem with the configuration.

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