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Thread: How to increase brightness of border in Windows Media Player 11

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    How to increase brightness of border in Windows Media Player 11

    When I play some video in Windows Media Player and launch full screen there is a bit dull border. The place where black border lies. I am trying to find some help to increase the brightness of that part but I am not able to do the same. I cannot find any option which can do this. I tried to do that with different software but still it fails to work. When I play the video in normal mode it works fine. But as the screen is set to full screen the dull border appears. I am not able to find a set of option to do the same. Any idea how to fix it. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The bug lies in your system. It is to some extent not possible that a only part of monitor is grayed out or dull. There are common items used in the monitor and if any part is dull you will have to carry the same to some repair center. There is a hardware failure here. I had faced a issue where bottom left part of my lcd monitor was black and while other was shining. I showed that to the repair shop. He said there is some internal fault and got it fixed. If you are having this kind of issue then it is recommended that you must show the same to a proper repair center to get it fixed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Try to update your video drivers. It is recommended that you must get the most recent drivers. There can be a hardware fault but it is recommended that you must check properly for the problem. You can start with driver update and if there is a graphic card in your system you must try re-update the same. Another option is to check the video in some other computer. If still there is same kind of issue then you must test the same video in some other working computer.

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