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Thread: Windows Media Center - TV signal setup question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Windows Media Center - TV signal setup question

    I have Windows Media Center in my computer and am trying to setup TV signal in it. I have got a Coaxial cable running from the set top box that I am having to the coaxial input on my computer. But I get some kind of error message that says "IR Hardware Not Detected". I think that its telling me to connect something to the STB IR. But I wont be able to do it, because my computer and the set top box are in different rooms. Actually, to record some sports game I want to use this Windows Media Center not very often and it is alright by having a coaxial cable running across the floor for this time period. I wont be also using the remote either. I want to just manually set Windows Media Center to record the game? So, can anyone tell me how do I get around with this error message? Thanks for any information.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Windows Media Center - TV signal setup question

    Incase you are using a signal other than a direct hookup that is by using the cable right into the card or antenna, i.e, no set top box, then you might have to attach the IR receiver to the computer and the IR emitter to the IR receiver. You wont be using them afterwards, but you will need them to continue the setup normally. I have heard of a registry hack to allow you to setup without the IR hardware, that you can search here on the forum.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Windows Media Center - NO PICTURE ON MY LIVE TV DIRECT

    I have purchased a new Sony Flat TV that is equipped with 2 TV tuner cards but I am not able to view it. I have also got the channel but I cannot see the picture, can anyone answer why this is happening?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Windows Media Center - NO PICTURE ON MY LIVE TV DIRECT

    There are many flat panel TVs launched by Sony recently and without knowing the make or model number of which one you have, it is impossible to predict anything. Also, what resolution you are sending to the TV over what interface? Do you have any graphics card installed in your system and what driver version are you using? What is the source of the TV programs that you are trying to send?

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