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Thread: Windows Media Player in slow motion and sound slow too

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Windows Media Player in slow motion and sound slow too

    Yesterday my hard drive got crashed with BSOD. Anyways, I repaired the system and all seems to be working fine. But am facing some problem with WMP while playing some videos. The problem is not with all videos but few videos are playing in very slow motion. They were working fine earlier, it started happening today after system repair.

    Also I cannot say that the problem is with WMP because most of the videos still playing good, problem is with few videos but those are also working fine in other players like VLC.

    What do you guys think could be the problem?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Windows Media Player in slow motion and sound slow too

    I got exactly same problem on my Vista computer couple of weeks ago. In my case I strongly suspect Nero 9 because the problem started after installing Nero 9 that also installed DirectX 9.0c whereas my Vista came default with DirectX 10 installed.

    So far I have’t found any solution also cannot installed Nero because I need it for few more days. But as far as I can suggest you is try updating DirectX and see what is the problem.

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