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Thread: Video playing in slow motion sound ok

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Video playing in slow motion sound ok

    I am using windows xp, recently I found some problems with my windows media player, when I am trying to play any videos, the video is playing in slow motion, but the sound plays Ok. I have recently update my windows media player version, I am not sure which version. Even I tried to figure which version of media player I am using but I am was able to find. I hope its a latest version. In my previous I never faced such kind of issues with my media player. Can you please help to fix this issue.

    Thanks In Advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Video playing in slow motion sound ok

    Can you please tell me which files you are trying to play in your player. Which type of files are affected? Does your media player able to wmv files properly?

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