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Thread: music library on to a External Harddrive

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    music library on to a External Harddrive

    I have recently bought a new external hardware of 500gb so that I can copy the entire music that I play through the Windows Media Player on my internal hard drive of my laptop from the C :drive. So, i was wondering if i delete the songs from the laptop and how will i play this songs when I click on it from the external hard drive? I was facing some kind of problem when I transferred one of the songs and then tried to play it on the external hard drive which was not working. Can anyone help me sort out this problem?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: music library on to a External Harddrive

    I think that you will need to remove all the tracks in your library and then will have to reinstall from the external had drive because when you try to play the songs then it might be looking at the wrong place. I also believe that you will have to change the rip music to location under the rip music. Hope this helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: music library on to a External Harddrive

    What you really need to do is first choose all the media files from the laptop folder and then use Windows Explorer Move command to transfer the songs to the external hard drive. Then only Windows Media Player will track those changes that will be made in the operating system and if you copy then delete them, you're likely to end up with multiple copies of each track in the media library.

    After that you need to press F3 after you have transferred those and then click Advance to add the external hard drive to the mentioned folders list and then only WMP will be able to play those songs.

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