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Thread: cant use binatone DT 845W wifi modem installed by airtel broadband for bsnl broadband?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    cant use binatone DT 845W wifi modem installed by airtel broadband for bsnl broadband? 2011 airtel installed binatone DT 845w modem at my place in noida.Now i got transferred to jammu & kashmir where i have bsnl broadband connection.I tried necessary settings ,but nothing seems working. Then i went through few threads and came to know that firmware needs to be downgraded to .2 version.My current firmware version is .8...... I tried to downgrade firmware to .2 version but it doesnt accept it...........kindly help so that i can use my binatone modem(supplied and installed by airtel) for my bsnl broadband connection....thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: cant use binatone DT 845W wifi modem installed by airtel broadband for bsnl broadband?

    First of all download the DT4W-A1.002 firmware from the below attachment. After installing the firmware, you will need to do the below:

    Tab: Interface Setup -> Internet
    Select Virtual Circuit as PVC2
    VPI = 0 and VCI = 35
    Disable all other Virtual Circuits.

    ATM QoS = UBR
    PCR = 0


    Servicename = blank
    Username = username from BSNL
    Password = password from BSNL

    Connection = Always On
    Get IP Address = Dynamic

    NAT = Enable

    Defaut Route = Yes

    TCP MTU = 1454 or 1492

    Dynamic Route = RIP2-B
    Direction = Both
    Multicast = Disabled
    Mac Spoofing = Disabled
    Attached Files Attached Files
    you know you've made it big on here when you have your own imposter

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: cant use binatone DT 845W wifi modem installed by airtel broadband for bsnl broadband?

    well i tried all and my internet settings are fine as internet blinks on my modem after putting in these settings but it doesnt work when i try to open page...this is what i get from diagonstics tab..................
    > Testing Ethernet LAN connection ...

    >> Testing ADSL Synchronization .

    >> Testing ATM OAM segment ping ...

    >> Testing ATM OAM end to end ping ...

    >> Ping Primary Domain Name Server .

    >> Ping yahoo

    Testing ATM OAM segement and end to end ping fail...............please help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: cant use binatone DT 845W wifi modem installed by airtel broadband for bsnl broadband?

    Did you try to downgrade the firmware to DT4W-A1.002? You can even watch the video on how to configure Binatone DT 845W for BSNL Broadband from this link -
    AMD 64 x2 4800+
    OCZ (2 x 512) DDR600

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: cant use binatone DT 845W wifi modem installed by airtel broadband for bsnl broadband?

    showkat have you solve your problem ?

    kindly help me I ma facing same problem

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: cant use binatone DT 845W wifi modem installed by airtel broadband for bsnl broadband?

    Quote Originally Posted by sukhsaini View Post
    showkat have you solve your problem ?

    kindly help me I ma facing same problem
    Can you please specify what is the problem you are facing in details? I think that you need to download the latest version of the firmware from the below link and then setup with the settings given above:

  7. #7

    Re: cant use binatone DT 845W wifi modem installed by airtel broadband for bsnl broadband?

    I had DT 845W wireless ADSL2+ Router of BINATONE company.

    Simple setup worked for me with BSNL Modem used for Broadband connection:

    1. Hard Reset.
    2. Set Encapsulation to Dynamic IP Address under Internet. Did not change anything else in Internet setup. Not even any setup required for Dynamic IP. Kept it default to "1483 Bridged IP LLC"
    3. Save changes.
    4. LAN setup - Disable DHCP. Save.
    5. Wireless setup - provide SSID name.
    6. Choose Authentication Type as WPA-PSK/.... Provide password to login.
    7. Save and restart.

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