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Thread: Getting QoS Settings for Beetel 450TC1 router with MTNL Triband connection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Getting QoS Settings for Beetel 450TC1 router with MTNL Triband connection

    Hello friends, can anyone help me in getting the complete QOS (Quality of Service) setting for my Beetel 450TC1 router having MTNL Triband connection.

    Let me tell you that my router is connected to my computer via Ethernet port. And the other devices like laptop and cell phones are connected to the router through WiFi. Now what I want is that when multiple devices are connected together and if the system is downloading any huge sized file then the other users should not get low bandwidth or speed. I know for this I need to access the QoS settings but I am not sure what should I do with that. So is there any one to help me making the required changes in it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Getting QoS Settings for Beetel 450TC1 router with MTNL Triband connection

    First of all I need to ask you whether you are aware of the QoS concept; I mean do you really understand everything about QoS. If not, then no issue I would probably let you know certain detailed information of it.

    Let me tell you that QoS is an advanced feature on a router that is easily able to set the priority of some internet applications and on-line services in order to lesser the consequences when the bandwidth is too busy. It is actually very much difficult when you optimize your connection in order to allow each application with some bandwidth so that not even a single application takes the internet down.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Getting QoS Settings for Beetel 450TC1 router with MTNL Triband connection

    Even I am in need of making certain required appropriate changes in the Quality of Service settings. Actually I usually download movies and other large sized videos through my computer which is connected to Ethernet but the downloading eats up lot of bandwidth. Now the problem is that my pc utilizes almost all the bandwidth leaving no bandwidth for the other device when they are connected. So somehow I wanted to give my pc lowest priority so that the other devices if connected should not face fluctuating bandwidth when downloading huge files in pc. Please help me out how come I get the QoS settings, what exactly I have to do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Getting QoS Settings for Beetel 450TC1 router with MTNL Triband connection

    I am not sure with the QoS settings but if you really want to control your bandwidth I can give some other alternate options. If you are downloading the movies using torrent software then definitely you can control the download speed by setting the priorities from the torrents itself. Not completely but it will somehow help you in balancing your bandwidth.

    And the other alternative option I could suggest you is if you are trying to download files using a firefox browser you can simply type in about:config, this will definitely help you to play with the pipeline and network settings, which will limit the granted access. Not sure with the other browsers like Chrome and IE.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Getting QoS Settings for Beetel 450TC1 router with MTNL Triband connection

    In order to set a Priority for an Application “Skype” to be highest:

    • Specify a name on QoS Policy (Ex Skype)
    • Set the Priority Category as an Application
    • Select the Applications as any name
    • Set Priority “Highest”
    • Apply the settings

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Getting QoS Settings for Beetel 450TC1 router with MTNL Triband connection

    I am not sure with the QoS settings but if you really want to control your bandwidth I can give some other alternate options. If you are downloading the movies using torrent software then definitely you can control the download speed by setting the priorities from the torrents itself. Not completely but it will somehow help you in balancing your bandwidth.
    I want to make those changes using the QoS settings itself. Its not that I do not know anything about the Settings, I already once accessed the QoS settings. But then when I went into those settings I found that there were number of fields and the problem was that I don’t even know the meaning of those fields. Due to this reason I left the QoS page as it is and exit from there. So please if possible let me know the exact solution.

    Rather than installing the movies I prefer playing more and more online which creates the same issue. Those online games does not load quickly and also sometimes access slowly, my friends suggested me to make some changes in QoS.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Getting QoS Settings for Beetel 450TC1 router with MTNL Triband connection

    I am using a netgear router. Now not sure with the QoS setting in different model but I guess it is very much common to enable it in almost all the routers.
    • Open a browser and type in the following URL http:// your_IP_address
    • Type the User Name “admin” password “password”
    • Click OK
    • Under Advanced menu click QoS setup
    • Enable Turn Internet Access QoS On
    • Click on “Add Priority Rule”
    • Select the Priority Category
    • Select the priority for this category
    • Click Apply for changes to take effect

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Getting QoS Settings for Beetel 450TC1 router with MTNL Triband connection

    The most complicated thing is that the user has to be controlled of the traffic that occurs at the point of sending and receiving in order to do proper QoS. But that not a big deal, what you can do is try limiting the bandwidth of a specific type of traffic by shaping it. And I personally feel that in all the above case you are actually not in control of the traffic until and unless it hits your router. I just want to say that the ability to perform QoS too less until it’s connected at your local site between the devices.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Getting QoS Settings for Beetel 450TC1 router with MTNL Triband connection

    Rather than installing the movies I prefer playing more and more online which creates the same issue. Those online games does not load quickly and also sometimes access slowly, my friends suggested me to make some changes in QoS.
    In order to set a Priority for Online Gaming
    • Specify a name on QoS Policy
    • Set the Priority Category as Online Gaming
    • Select applications as “Add a new game”
    • Set the Priority as Highest
    • Specify the Connection Type for the game, Ex TCP/UDP
    • Set the starting port and ending port for the game
    • Apply the settings

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