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Thread: Want to upgrade to 4g, what will be the charges?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Want to upgrade to 4g, what will be the charges?

    At present I have a Verizon Wireless 3G connection I am utilizing the Internet as my home. I am utilizing the CradlePoint MBR 1000 router and things are functioning fine. The great news: I'm on the 4G coverage area and I suppose my MBR 1000 can be firmware updated to support 4G. The bad news is I have been a client of Verizon a short time. When I bought my plan is promoted as "limitless.” Regularly exceed the 5GB monthly limit, but I'm _think_ "old.” I do not think I charged for my excesses, because I had my mind on this occasion. My question is, do you think will begin to impose excessive fees if I upgrade my account to 4G?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Want to upgrade to 4g, what will be the charges?

    I do not know the respond. In the lack of somebody who knows for certain, they present a guess: obviously I will start implementing these charges. In my case, after nearly a month's trial to another account that I'm back in the test window for a full refund, which eventually led to the downfall of my old and dear old Sprint offers unlimited 3G for unlimited 4G / 5 Touch 3G accounts. (It did not hurt that my 3G service, after 14 months of excellence, suddenly fell into the toilet and became useless on September 28, a free repair if the problem persists repeatedly informed done right through two days, when he finally straightened out.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Want to upgrade to 4g, what will be the charges?

    It really depends on whether you think you stand a reasonable shot more than 10 concerts, with normal use. If you do not feel so, 4G/3G at a standstill buy a separate account and after that revisit it within 16 days window. The cause would be to ensure that the 4G working properly in your area (just because you say that you are covered says nothing about the quality of service at your location). The nastiest which could occur would be a charge of $88 for back and revoke the service within the 15 day window (and, in certain circumstances, sometimes it can even get a full refund.) And that's much better to commit to a contract with a shocking face of the ETF, for the privilege to give up its unlimited 3G service.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Want to upgrade to 4g, what will be the charges?

    I think it would have limitless 3G for now. I presently moved to a novel home where unluckily my choices were or wireless satellite Internet. I have no criticisms concerning my service so far with my Verizon 3G data card. The speed is fine for normal use, despite losing the ability to stream my Netflix to my 360. Right now I'm on day 20 of the 31 and I'm at 4.2 gigabytes of data used. I guess in a couple of days I'll have to tie myself to not go Droid X on top. I even called Verizon today to ask if I could upgrade to the E 10 pack $ 80 and they said no because I have a 3G and 4G modem, not one. That's complete crap, but I have to stay for now. It would be a happy camper if I was in one of the old limitless data cards. As a minimum I could use everything I required.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Want to upgrade to 4g, what will be the charges?

    No doubt you will be charged for the excess beyond the 5 GB (or 10 GB) "paperback" that allow current mobile data plans 4G LTE. I am in accurately the similar boat, and I am utilizing the present 3G USB modem (via CradlePoint router) as my just means of Internet connection. When asked about upgrading to a 4G LTE modem, I was told that quite a lot of technical support agents would be "forced to sign a new 4G data service.” There is no option to update only the hardware without having to update the data plan as well. This news was of course a disappointment, as the current 4G modem speeds blow away the speed I get with my Novatel USB 3G modem.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Want to upgrade to 4g, what will be the charges?

    That is my fear. If the 3G or 4G service was something he was using to supplement my main broadband connection at the top would not be a problem. My problem is the same as yours in that my only option is satellite or 3G wireless. Fortunately, after checking the site can Millenicom service with 20 GB cap at the same price I'm paying Verizon. Comcast If my prayer does not work, and then I'm paying the early termination and get the package Millenicom. The ETF will more than cover charges that accumulate over the months. My service with Verizon is solid and not in the 3 months that I used with the CradlePoint router. I wish I could use a little more. We have seen maybe a YouTube video during the month and the rest is surfing, Facebook, email and upload some photos. That's all, and even that is pushing the plugs with 10 days remain in the billing cycle. I cannot visualize how quickly you get to my top speed 4G. I do not think myself a grave user at all. While I had cable internet in my old house was a package of 8 MB with a cap of 75 GB. I used all the time and watch streaming Netflix on my Xbox a lot. Never came close to that limit. My Xbox just turn my cap weak now.

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