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Thread: MTNL Broadband: Double Speeds at Same Rates!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    MTNL Broadband: Double Speeds at Same Rates!

    I am looking for a internet connection to my home computer system. I collect some information about internet connection plan. My some friend suggest me for MTNL Broadband connection. MTNL announce some attractive unlimited plan at common price rate.So i want more information about MTNL Broadband. Please reply me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: MTNL Broadband: Double Speeds at Same Rates!

    MTNL unlimited Broadband users got advantage on using it for double the speed with paying same price. MTNL increased the Broadband Speed at free of cost for its Unlimited Broadband tariff plans. Users who are using unlimited plan with bandwidth of 256kbps get benefit of 512kbps. Like that 512kbps get 1Mbps, 1Mbps get 2Mbps and 2Mbps get 4Mbps respectively. There is no any other hidden charges for download and uploads.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: MTNL Broadband: Double Speeds at Same Rates!

    MTNL launched number of new plan in Mumbai. DSL Trib-49, DSL 249 Combo, TriB 200P, DSL_Combo_B , DSL Combo 500, DSL 399, DSL 748##, DSL NU 849, DSL 598##, DSL TriB 1199, DSL 2399, DSL 4Mb, DSL_3995_Freedom this are some limited plan offer by MTNL . Also DSL_Unlimited_395, DSL_Unlimited_Combo_495##, DSL_Unlimited_599, DSL_Unlimited_749, DSL_Unlimited_999, DSL_Unlimited_Games_1350*, DSL_Unlimited_1599, DSL_Unlimited_4999##, DSL_Unlimited_9999 are the MTNL Broadband Internet services tariff unlimited Plans.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: MTNL Broadband: Double Speeds at Same Rates!

    I am using new broadband unlimited 'DSL_Unlimited_395' plan. But speed of the MTNL broadband is too poor. I don't think that MTNL provide you double Speeds at the same rate. In my plan 320Kbps Download speed but when i start download it show the 256Kbps download speed. I think it give me minimum speed as compare to my plan. What i have to do to increases my internet speed? Please replay.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: MTNL Broadband: Double Speeds at Same Rates!

    I think you have to contact on MTNL Broadband Customer Care Numbers. You directly contact with them and tell them your problem. If you want to contact with your Customer Care so for Internet / Triband you call on 1504 /1800228844/22221504. You can also send mail on for any Difficulties or Suggestions.

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