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Thread: Broadband speeds of MTNL BSNL and Airtel are doubled when will reliance change

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    angry Broadband speeds of MTNL BSNL and Airtel are doubled when will reliance change

    I have been a reliance broadband user since last six months and i have subscribed for the Rs.1499 Zoom 1 Mbps. This gives me ample unlimited download but the download speed of all other internet service providers including MTNL BSNL and Airtel are doubled when will reliance change Need serious help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Broadband speeds of MTNL BSNL and Airtel are doubled when will reliance change

    Try the customer care number ask them about the same they will tell you the exact time when your broadband speed will be upgraded. But i think that the reliance broadband services are not worth their money. Since a lot of other subscribers do provide more speed even though they are charging quiet low than compared to reliance.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Broadband speeds of MTNL BSNL and Airtel are doubled when will reliance change

    The plan cost which you mentioned seems quiet high as per the download speeds which you have mentioned. Even though reliance services are not too good but they provide a pretty stable broadband connection and hence sticking to reliance broadband cannot be considered as worthless

    Anyways you can migrate to another plan choose another plan which suits your broad band speed needs.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Broadband speeds of MTNL BSNL and Airtel are doubled when will reliance change

    Anyways thanks for your replies friend i called the customer care executive and asked him about this but they gave an unexpected answer that whenever the speed will be upgraded we will notify you. I had to pay around Rs. 1650 (Incl. taxes) . I think i need to change my broadband can you suggest me a broadband which gives me 2 MBPS speed in this price. Thanks in Advance.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Broadband speeds of MTNL BSNL and Airtel are doubled when will reliance change

    The airtel broadband plan provides you a much better plan with just a similar rate i would like you to have a look through the broad band plans from airtel which suits your needs better.

    you know you've made it big on here when you have your own imposter

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