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Thread: Airtel Broadband to double broadband speeds by June 2010

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Airtel Broadband to double broadband speeds by June 2010

    Recently I read somewhere on the internet that Airtel is going to double broadband speeds by June 2010. Now I want to ask whether this just another marketing strategy or is it for real, because there is nothing mentioned about this in the official site. Also now-a-days I experience about 1 - 2 hours of daily downtime with my Airtel connection. Is it the same for everyone?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Airtel Broadband to double broadband speeds by June 2010

    It just might be possible that Airtel might increase or double its internet broadband speed in order to please its customer because recently MTNL too has upgraded its plan. Because of this MTNL has gained a huge number of new broadband customers. So in order to retain their customers Airtel might be possibly thinking to upgrade its plans as well. But there is nothing yet official about it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Airtel Broadband to double broadband speeds by June 2010

    I have bee hearing this from Airtel for a long time now. Five months back I was about to discontinue my Airtel wired internet connection, but the customer support representative assured me that the plans were going to be updated by the next two months to give better download speed. But this has not yet happened. So I guess this is just another marketing strategy of Airtel.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Airtel Broadband to double broadband speeds by June 2010

    Yes I am also experiencing unstable internet connectivity for the last few weeks. I have Airtel connection setup at my place. I am using the Rs 999 unlimited plan of Airtel. Since the last few weeks I am not getting the desired internet speed as per my plan. Many times the Airtel connection is down. I think there is an issue with Airtel and so I am thinking to change to either MTNL or Reliance.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Airtel Broadband to double broadband speeds by June 2010

    There is no article to be found on Airtel website about the broadband speed increase. I also inquired the same with Airtel and I was informed that there is nothing yet finalized as of now and thus there is no date or month declared for the speed increase. But there is a possibility that the speed going to be elevated in the near future for all the Airtel broadband users. So you have to wait until this happens.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    unsure Re: Airtel Broadband to double broadband speeds by June 2010

    u all guys see this link u may get info about speed DOUBLED for all existing costumers--->

    from march'10 me got this speed upgradation at d asme cost,,,

    don't u believe?
    see this,

    when i'm choosing d plan d spped was 1mbps now its DOUBLED

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