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Thread: Airtel broadband Vs Reliance broadband

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Airtel broadband Vs Reliance broadband

    I am using mtnl broadband connection, now i want to change my broadband connection. I have two choices 1] Airtel broadband and 2] reliance broadband connection. Can nay one tell me which one is best? What is speed difference between this two services and i also want to know the cost difference between this two services.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Airtel broadband Vs Reliance broadband

    I used Reliance Broad Band for a few months before I finally shifted to Airtel. Airtel is one of the best connections that has very low downtime. I also switched to 256kbps unlimited plan just two months back and the connection is great.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Airtel broadband Vs Reliance broadband

    I am using Airtel Broadband for more than six months and I must say the service has been more than satisfactory. The speed (256 kpbs) has been consistent; The Airtel broadband customer support is prompt and I haven't had a bad experience so far. I don't expect the ISPs to provide full bandwidth subscribed all the time. I have had minimal downtime with Airtel Broadband, and Airtel does well to ensure that they do the maintenance works late in night or wee hours of morning.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Airtel broadband Vs Reliance broadband

    MTNL Triband is very good infact, very less downtimes and constant 256kbps speed. The only reason I switched to Reliance was for unlimited plan. Speed wise both are very good.Reliance provides various broadband connection via Ethernet, wireless WiMax and the good old DSL connection, I opted for the DSL connection as I also wanted a phone line with the same.

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