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Thread: Free gprs settings for idea, hutch, airtel, bsnl, airtel live, airtel mobile configure manually

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Free gprs settings for idea, hutch, airtel, bsnl, airtel live, airtel mobile configure manually

    Manual Idea Gprs Settings

    1. Account Name - idea_GPRS
    2. Username - Blank
    3. Password - Blank
    4. Homepage -
    5. Proxy and Server Port - 8080
    6. Proxy and Server adress -
    7. Databearer - GPRS / Packetdata
    8. Acces Point Name - imis
    9. Proxy - Enabled/yes
    10. Authentication Type - Norma

    Manual Bsnl Gprs Settings

    1. Account Name - BPL WAP
    2. Username - <Blank>
    3. Password - <Blank>
    4. Proxy - Enabled/yes
    5. Homepage -
    6. Proxy and Server address -
    7. Proxy and Server Port - 8080
    8. Acces Point Name - mizone
    9. Data bearer - GPRS/ Packetdata
    10. Authentication Type - Norma

    Manual Hutch Gprs Settings

    1. Account Name - Hutch_GPRS
    2. User Name - Blank
    3. Password - Blank
    4. Proxy - Enabled/yes
    5. Access Point Name - portalnmms
    6. Full Internet Access Point Name - www
    7. Proxy and Server address -
    8. Proxy and Server Port - 8080
    9. Homepage -
    10. Authentication Type - Normal

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Free gprs settings for airtel,airtel live, airtel mobile configure manually

    Manual Airtel Gprs Settings

    • Homepage - any page you want to set. (eg.
    • User Name - Blank
    • Password - Blank
    • Proxy - Enabled/yes.
    • Proxy and Server Adress -
    • Proxy and Server Port - 8080
    • Data bearer - GPRS or Packet Data.
    • Access Point Name -
    • Authentication Type - Normal
    • Use preferred access point - No

    Manual Airtel live settings

    • Account Name - Airtel_live
    • Homepage -
    • Username - Blank
    • Password - Blank
    • Proxy - Enabled/yes
    • Proxy and Server Adress -
    • Accespoint Name -
    • Proxy and Server Port - 8080
    • Data bearer - GPRS/ Packet Data
    • Authentication Type - Normal

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Free gprs settings for idea, hutch, airtel, bsnl, airtel live, airtel mobile configure manually

    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. - Albert Einstein

    What we think, we become (Please don't think you are a superhero and don't try to fly)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Free gprs settings for idea, hutch, airtel, bsnl, airtel live, airtel mobile configure manually

    Below are additions in gprs settings of idea mobile internet. Another way to get this settings is simply sending a sms to idea.
    • Put IDEA GPRS in Connection Name
    • Then add GPRS or Packet Data in Data bearer.
    • Use imis as Access Point Name
    • Leave the User name and Password blank.
    • Set Normal on Authentication Level
    • Add any Homepage or leave this blank.
    • Then add for Server and for 8080 Server Port.
    • For Use Proxy set YES and Proxy Address with Port 8080

    Vodafone GPRS settings : The settings are mentioned in below thread. If you still cannot use that, simply contact the customer care to get exact information. Procedure for Vodafone GPRS Activation. Airtel GPRS Settings

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Free gprs settings for idea, hutch, airtel, bsnl, airtel live, airtel mobile configure manually

    To activate GPRS in BSNL sims you need to do the following. First if you need automated settings simply type GPRS and send sms to 53733. I found a file which has details of BSNL GPRS activation on various models. The file is attached to this post. Download and read the same to get more information on manual gprs settings on BSNL sims. And to configure Airtel Live you will need to do the following. Type Airtel live in Account Name. Then set in the home page. Add in Accespoint. Do not put anything in the username and password. Once done add in Proxy address and 8080 in Proxy port. Add GPRS/ Packet Data in Data bearer and Normal Authentication Type.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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