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Thread: Telecom Ministry to conduct 3G spectrum allocation by January end

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Telecom Ministry to conduct 3G spectrum allocation by January end

    There has been a lot of things happening within the telecom department regarding the 3G technology. A few weeks back a rumor revealed that the Department of Telecommunication (DoT) has pushed the 3G auction by two weeks to January 15. Then some days later, we heard about the telecom ministry playing hardball by keeping the auction as per previous schedule.

    Now in a recent twist, Telecom secretary Siddhartha Behura announced in a press conference that they would be conducting the 3G auction sometime in the second week of January and would be allocating spectrum by the end of month. He also said that come what may, there would be no delay in the plan to complete the auction by mid-January.

    Let us hope the government sticks to their word this time because more delay could mean delay in the cash reserves for the government.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Telecom Ministry to conduct 3G spectrum allocation by January end

    pushed back from June 2008 to jan 2009 . Delay is again due to the spectrum not being vacated by the defence forces, which is waiting for the completion of an alternative, fiber optic network.

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