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Thread: Stylish mouse under Rs.1000

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Stylish mouse under Rs.1000

    Where to get some really unique looking mouse under Rs.1000. I can find the regular models and they look really dull.I want one for my laptop. I had seen a lot of them on Google, but it is hardware to find the seller. Most of them are just posted on various sites. There are no mouse that comes in a shape of car or anything that makes it unique. While there are regular looking mouse mostly. A good done can be found under Rs.500 quiet easily. I have one that is from Dell. But it is not so good looking. Just a plain black usb mouse and it is now having click problem. So I need a better one.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Stylish mouse under Rs.1000

    HP Z3600P Wireless Optical Mouse has a nice look. This mouse comes for Rs.900. But it is quiet nice and has a white body. It is a costly product but durable and as you can see it is also branded. The mouse is wireless. HP offers 3 Years Domestic Warranty on the same. So once you buy you don't have really worry about the output. As per a few reviews which I had seen on the web this mouse is quiet awesome and brings good performance also. It is a durable model and there is nothing better than this. I think this might be cheaper in local shop.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Stylish mouse under Rs.1000

    Have a look on Portronics Bean - POR 222 Wireless Mouse. This mouse is having quiet nice look and it comes in very stylish design. This mouse has a blue and white color body and it is easy to use also.This type of mouse are ideal for laptops. It offers a simple dpi adjustment from 500 to 1750. And you can do that from the body itself. My friend has this mouse and he is using it from quiet a while. The mouse works really well and has no problem with range also. But I found it costly. It is around Rs.800. It is best if this kind of mouse comes around Rs.500 to Rs.600.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Stylish mouse under Rs.1000

    I do not really think it is worth to spend that much amount on a mouse. There are quiet a few mouse that really good looks under the price. Most of the features are same. There is nothing new. So why to spend on it. The best thing you can do is get a decent mouse for regular usage. I had seen a mouse in the form of Car. That was having a awesome design but it was very costly. It was around Rs.3000. This type of mouse are great for usage and have amazing look also. But compare to that we are having a huge list of alternatives. So better stick with regular one.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Stylish mouse under Rs.1000

    For a durable and stylish wireless mouse, you can go for Lenovo N50 Wireless Mouse. It is a good mouse which I am using in my office form quiet a long time. The mouse comes with a year warranty and it offers 1000 dpi resolution. The mouse is stylish and looks really nice. It is not like a small regular mouse. But a bit bigger and better one. It is fast and accurate. I like the design here. It is not having plain curves. And Lenovo is quiet a reputed brand. So you can expect a good mouse quality from them. For others I am not really sure that they will work for long time or not.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Stylish mouse under Rs.1000

    I am also trying to find out a few budget mouse that can have a great look. But I am not able to locate any. There are ample of mouse in the market that comes at cheaper price but they don't work for long period. Most of them stops working within a few months. Even after having a warranty for a year. There are some nice mouse models I had seen on a site which provides direct sellers from China. But I am not sure about the reliability of those products. While compare to that in local market there are regular mouse.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Stylish mouse under Rs.1000

    You can get in on flipkart with affordable price do check it.

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