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Thread: CMOS battery failure press enter to continue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    CMOS battery failure press enter to continue

    I Have started receiving a message saying “The firmware has detected that a CMOS battery failure occurred. Press enter to continue” frequently during startup after I start my system. I can proceed after clicking on continue but I want to know what might be the issue?? Is this because the battery has turned faulty??? I am not sure because I can proceed after clicking on “continue” and I face no further issues.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: CMOS battery failure press enter to continue

    There is surely something wrong with the cmos battery in your case, it might be turning faulty and that’s the reason you are getting “The firmware has detected that a CMOS battery failure occurred. Press enter to continue” message frequently and not always.
    You can try resetting the CMOS first, if you don’t get any error message after that then you can continue to use your system without replacing the battery. However, if you get the same error message again then you will have to replace the CMOS battery.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: CMOS battery failure press enter to continue

    Yes, try resetting CMOS first. There are different methods of resetting CMOS but I will suggest you to try out the simplest one.
    • Turn off your system
    • Unplug the power cord
    • Remove the CMOS battery from your system motherboard
    • Wait for a minute
    • Reseat the battery, plug the power cord and turn on your system.

    Give it a try and let me know if that helps.

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