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Thread: Why we can’t buy Logitech G25 racing wheel system parts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Why we can’t buy Logitech G25 racing wheel system parts

    Is there anyone to help me out? Why it has become so difficult for a genuine user of Logitech G25 to buy system parts. Does Logitech really want their customer to be with them? If yes then why don’t they allow its users to get the parts of the G25 racing wheels easily? I am really fed up of Logitech; I think I will I have get off from them and stop buying their products. You won’t believe from past few days I am in need of a plastic hub.

    Actually I broke this plastic hub on my racing wheel unknowingly and now after facing this damage when I decided to go for buying a new one I am helpless. i am trying to return it and buy a new part but they are charging me high for this thing. Please help me out, I don’t want to waste or put up my money on such thing that I have already owned and got damaged not because of my fault. Are you facing the same issue and became helpless like me? Please add your comments and let me know the reason for such issue being created and why Logitech is not allow its user to purchase Logitech G25 racing wheel system parts. Hope our unity will soon come up as a problem for Logitech.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Why we can’t buy Logitech G25 racing wheel system parts

    Yeah there are people who have come up raising the same issue, most of the people are unsatisfied with Logitech G25 product and also few of them have already decided to return it as soon as possible instead of facing such problems without getting an appropriate solution. You won’t believe even I used to be one of those customer having problem with certain part of G25. My issue was with the DFP, actually the thing was that the shifter button on the wheel was don’t know for what reason automatically causing double and triple shifts without my knowledge. I mean whenever I used to shift the shifter button to 2nd, automatically it use to proceed with the succeeding shifts like 4th and 5th but leaving the 3rd one. I have already been replaced my Wheel twice due to facing the same problem. But anyways I do not have any regrets or complains on Logitech as I am very much aware of their terms and policies with respects to their products especially their Racing Wheel.

    As far as I know about them I think they do not sell out a piece parts that cannot be removed or detached. Other than this if there’s any issue with the components that could be easily removed and if they are designed to be detached manually then yes off course they can help you out. The reason they do not provide any help for those non-removable parts is that their warranty actually do not provide such thing. As according to their warranty such things are not allowed.

    But if in case you have damaged or broken a user replaceable parts then I guess they might help you out with the replacement. I would be more helpful for you if you try to read the warranty policy and other dos and don’ts related to the warranty issue.

  3. #3
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    May 2011

    Re: Why we can’t buy Logitech G25 racing wheel system parts

    The only possibility where a guy tries to fix any issue by himself into his device is when that device is out of warranty. Anyways here I do not find any such cases as we can simply make out these thread only requests for the parts accessibility and nothing else. I too own a Logitech G25 Wheel from past 1 year and currently the case with that wheel is that its broken from the upper side of its portion. However the device is working fine without letting any issue during its functionality but just because of the damage and breakage the wheel has become completely loose and slippery.

    Now obviously if you will suggest me to buy an entire new unit then how come I will afford it, its fore sure that I would ask you for any fix or for just a new wheel that I could replace? I know that now my unit is no more under warranty so therefore the only thing I could ask for is the part replacement. Please help us out and let us know what we can do with this issue. Day by day the number of users facing such breakage issue with the G25 unit is increasing and all of them are currently at the same position without getting a proper solution.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Why we can’t buy Logitech G25 racing wheel system parts

    No matter how close and genuine customer you have been for Logitech they will never help you out I guess. Amongst all my 10 friends I am the 5th one who is now facing the same issue. you guessed it right, there are other four of my friends who have been facing the same problem and at the same situation where I am currently lying. However my case is bit different and simple but even then Logitech is giving me the same answer and feedback that my other four friends have already received which is quite annoying. My G25 Wheel is a brand new unit that I purchased. Actually the problem is that when I bought this unit and when I removed its packing I simply without knowing the consequences took off the protector plastic from the logo sign that you see at the center of the unit. Now what happened was that while peeling the Logo sign came off completely which then got badly bent from there. The condition is such that I am not being able to fix it back. The problem is obviously not as serious as I am smoothly being able to play with the wheel with facing any technical or physical problem but the ugly look of the wheel is now worrying me and I need to do something.

    Its not that I didn’t not consult anyone, when I ask anybody they suggest me the same thing of contacting the Support center and agreeing with their suggestion when I contacted the support center then tell me that they can’t help me out with this problem in any way. According to them Logitech do not sell out separate or spare parts of this unit. No matter what part you have damaged within your unit, if you contact the Support Center you might get the same reply that I have mentioned above. They say that either I can get it repaired from them or I will have to go for a new unit and probably they might charge me for both. Now the problem is that if they are really going to charge me then why not they just provide me with what I need (Spare parts) other than telling me to go for an entire replacement and charging me for the same. I am seriously very much shocked to hear that just for Logo Sign damage they are making me to replace the entire Unit, how come such a huge brand Company like Logitech can suggest me with such a silly suggestion. The worst thing is that they suggest my other four friends with the same replacement thing. I was the one who suggested them this Unit and now after they have been facing the problem I am unable to let them know with a proper solution. I am really fed up of Logitech and their Support Center. I am expecting someone else from Logitech to help me out and most importantly with some appropriate solution and not the only with the repeated one.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Why we can’t buy Logitech G25 racing wheel system parts

    Not just the support center, also the official forum site of Logitech wheel is providing its users with the same useless junk solution. There’s a related thread over there and guess what? Even that thread gets always updated with a new post or a new problem but you will never find a single solution presented over there other than the same one that have been mentioned here. Seems like all the people facing problem are wasting their time by typing and posting their much similar issue and experience.

    Just imagine, if Logitech’s Support Center and Official forum site has been failed to help their users and customers with this problem then how come you will be helped out here. Logitech should know that the customers are not asking for talking about any problem or asking for any solution instead they are just asking Logitech to start selling out spare parts and other small pieces of some of their product which I guess is very much possible for them. Breakage of a small piece and then getting an entire unit replacement suggestion is very much annoying. Products like G25 are something that has lots of parts and pieces and therefore it’s obvious that the spare parts at some point of time get damage and are needed to be replaced. Currently racing is something that lots of young people prefer especially with the product like Logitech G25.

    In fact when it comes to video game racing people go for Logitech racing Wheel but I am sure if such case continues then definitely the company is going to face the consequences. This is always to be noted that product do grow with respect to its reviews, good review takes the product to the higher level where as bad reviews takes it within the low category products. Now it’s on Logitech where they want to see their product under a good category or within those bad ones.

    Unity is the best thing that could be done during this point of state. Yes, if all the people who are unable to get the necessary spare parts can simply return the product and stop buying it henceforth and then see how the G25 rating goes down as each and every day pass on.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Why we can’t buy Logitech G25 racing wheel system parts

    It’s really sad to know that nothing can be done. If you are not aware then let me tell you that other than Logitech if you are trying or planning to get a replacement parts or the parts that you have damaged then you won’t be able to get it for sure because there are not such Wheel company that would provide you with a replacement parts as according to your requirement. In fact even any of the Computer parts manufacturing brand won’t be able to help you out. but I would really like to say that Logitech Customer Support is seriously one of the best support team existing.

    Other than this I think you people are really making your problem go worse than what it actually should be. As for the Logo, everyone knows that they really do not matter at all with the functionality or features of the product then why such issues are being raised. Can anyone tell me how much the existence or the look of the logo really matter for you while during your game play? I don’t think any of the company or manufacturer would provide you with just a logo that you have damaged with your own hand. This might be either your funnier side or must be you are not really aware of such related things.

    Also I think there is no requirement of brackets to be hold at a proper place. You just have to manage to turn it over, after that you might find the screw holes, for such things the only thing you can do is simply visit a nearby Hardware shop and get the appropriate bolts for those screw holes and get things fixed. Simply fix those bolts into the holes and place the wheel where so eve you want. Over all I just need to say that whatever you people are mentioning is actually not an issue if you look it sensibly. Don’t just make thing bigger by simply blaming the manufacturer or the product. Commenting on certain threads or forums wont going to solve your query as the thing for which you are fighting is no where an issue or a problem. Asking Logitech to sell replaceable parts is just useless so please stop placing your breakage trouble or request Logitech for other sales as they are not going to listen to you anyhow.

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