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Thread: Move iTunes library to WD My Book Live Duo without losing library settings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Move iTunes library to WD My Book Live Duo without losing library settings

    I am looking forward to have my Entire my iTunes library on my NAS which is based on WD My Book Live Duo. Now the iTunes library is stored on my computer hard disk. Transferring means it should add music on the NAS with all the settings like checked items, playlists, play count, labels, pictures etc without changing them. How to do that all at once?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Move iTunes library to WD My Book Live Duo without losing library settings

    You always have to remember that whenever you move your itunes library to a network driver or an external drive, you always have to keep a backup of those files. When the files are moves, it will become a primary copy in or for NAS. If anything happens with the NAS, you will lose the entire library if there is no backup. However if you are looking for an iTunes library backup why don’t you try Copytrans Tuneswift.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Move iTunes library to WD My Book Live Duo without losing library settings

    By the use of iTunes Media Server, you can easily connect to My Book Live and use the iTunes to play music stored on it. You have to create a virtual music library. Actually it will be created an automatically and it treats as an iTunes repository.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Move iTunes library to WD My Book Live Duo without losing library settings

    WD offers the iTunes server in terms of iTunes. Allows that the songs that are on a network drive can be streamed and the network drive will appear in an iTunes program (not app) as a server. Your question is towards "outsourcing your iTunes library" on an external hard drive and as I understand you, it works with a USB hard drive but not a network drive (in this case My Book World). What WD concerns interested in us, if you data between your PC and the My Book Live and forth can copy between locations. When problems arise in connection with a single program (iTunes), then you should contact the manufacturer (Apple) contact....

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