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Thread: system-start driver failed to load: i8042prt in windows vista.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    system-start driver failed to load: i8042prt in windows vista.

    Hi all of you, actually I installed the windows vista in my Pc. Actually I have problem with the vista business whenever I start my computer and then every time I see that computer manadgement/event viewer/administrative events it has an error massage: the following boot-start or system –start driver(s) failed to load: i8042prt. I was thinking that the problem may be in driver but I checked that everything was fine and my driver was up to date. Anyways there are also so many error and warning I am getting. It may be due to installation of the both XP and vista. One more thing I just wanted to say that I am not getting NO restore point after rebooting. So can anyone tell me how to solve this issue?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: system-start driver failed to load: i8042prt in windows vista.

    Yes, I have a solution for this issue. I have read somewhere in forums. When I got such type issue then I thought that this solution may be helpful for people. Here I am giving you few steps just follow it. you will able to find the solution of particular problem.
    1> First of all go to start menu and then click on run and then type regedit.exe and then click OK.
    2> After that you will see so many options regarding registry key so just navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters in registry.
    3> After that I would suggest you that add new REG_DWORD "Headless” and then set the value 1.
    4> The last and final step is Reboot the server.
    I hope this will help you.

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