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Thread: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    Hello friends need your help as I have almost searched everything on the internet and I am not able to find anything till date. I am looking for a G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS or any other way by which I can read SA. I just want to make this drive use for NAS as this drive is from a sat-receiver and it is locked with non stand pw.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    Okays that means you want to remove PWD and for doing this you just need to build a com port but keep in mind it should be with perfect pin out for Seagate and after doing this just try and remove the password. For that you will need to start with L2, x1, A0. And for more things just try and read in Seagate commands in second level. As this will show you the password which is being used or which is set from beginning.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    Thank you for your reply I have reached upto here.
    The hard disk has security enable which has been set to high. So I have successfully recovered the security the hard disk is now useful. So now I am able to use the hard disk but still I need help as I am looking for LBA's on Zn 00.

    System Partition
    LBAs 00000000-000987EF
    PBAs 00000000-0009965F
    HdSkew 006E, CylSkew 0018
    ZonesPerHd 02
    Head 0, PhyCyls 0399CE-039B21, LogCyls 000000-000152
         Physical      Logical       Sec   Sym   Sym      Data      
      Zn Cylinders     Cylinders     Track Wedge Track    Rate      
      00 0399CE-039A77 000000-0000A9 039C  0529  00074880  496.875  
      01 039A78-039B21 0000AA-000153 039C  0529  00074880  496.875  
    Head 1, PhyCyls 038EED-039040, LogCyls 000000-000152
         Physical      Logical       Sec   Sym   Sym      Data      
      Zn Cylinders     Cylinders     Track Wedge Track    Rate      
      00 038EED-038F96 000000-0000A9 039C  0529  00074880  496.875  
      01 038F97-039040 0000AA-000153 039C  0529  00074880  496.875

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    Hey bro I am have the same problem as you have and even my drive is locked can you help me and let me know how to unlock this. I own RS232 terminal but I am a noob so I don’t know what all commands I should use.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    System Partition
    LBAs 00000000-000987EF
    PBAs 00000000-0009965F
    HdSkew 006E, CylSkew 0018
    ZonesPerHd 02
    Head 0, PhyCyls 039D16-039E69, LogCyls 000000-000152
         Physical      Logical       Sec   Sym   Sym      Data
      Zn Cylinders     Cylinders     Track Wedge Track    Rate
      00 039D16-039DBF 000000-0000A9 039C  0529  00074880  496.875
      01 039DC0-039E69 0000AA-000153 039C  0529  00074880  496.875
    Head 1, PhyCyls 03AF81-03B0D4, LogCyls 000000-000152
         Physical      Logical       Sec   Sym   Sym      Data
      Zn Cylinders     Cylinders     Track Wedge Track    Rate
      00 03AF81-03B02A 000000-0000A9 039C  0529  00074880  496.875
      01 03B02B-03B0D4 0000AA-000153 039C  0529  00074880  496.875

    F3 2>A0
    Current Addr Mode
    User LLL CHS Mode
      Hd 0 Cyl 000000
    All Addr Modes
    User LBA Mode
      LBAs 00000000 - 3A38602F
    System LBA Mode
      LBAs 00000000 - 000987EF
    User LLL CHS and User LLP CHW Modes
      Hd 0 Cyls 000000 - 0394A5
      Hd 1 Cyls 000000 - 03A6B6
    System LLL CHS and System LLP CHW Modes
      Hd 0 Cyls 000000 - 000152
      Hd 1 Cyls 000000 - 000152
    PLP CHS and PLP CHW Modes
      Hd 0 Cyls 000000 - 039E69
      Hd 1 Cyls 000000 - 03B0D4
    Buffer Sector Offset 00000000
    Hey bro don't worry we both are in same boot but i know to swim and you don't as i have codes but i don't know how to use them. Hope you know how to use them and if yes also help me out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    Hello, I try to read the vendor track on my Seagate ST3250312CS. The command Therminal G1 in level T, does not exist on this disc, what can I replace it? I have long sought and I began to despair to find that FU @ § ¤ ù $ ^! password.
    I think I would have fewer worries if my drive was a WD.
    Sorry for my English.
    Sincerely Buldo

    F3 T>/C

    F3 C>Q

    Online CR: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, Abort
    Online ESC: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, AbortLoopOrBatchFile
    Online ' ': Rev 0001.0000, Flash, PauseOutput
    Online '.': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, DisplayActiveStatus
    Online '?': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, DisplayDiagBufferInfo
    Online '`': Rev 0012.0001, Flash, DisplayRwStats
    Online '$': Rev 0012.0001, Flash, DisplayRwStatsByZone
    Online '{': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, ToggleEibTracing
    Online ^D: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, ToggleRwTracing
    Online ^N: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, ToggleRwTracing
    Online ^W: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, RwStatsEnableAndInit
    Online ^O: Rev 0001.0000, Flash, AdvanceServoTracingState
    Online '!': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, DisplayRdChannelRegs
    Online '<': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, DecRwScopeSync
    Online '>': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, IncRwScopeSync
    Online '~': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, DisplayInterfaceCmdState
    Online ^A: Rev 0012.0000, Flash, DisplayFirmwareRev
    Online ^B: Rev 0012.0000, Flash, GetThermistorTemperature
    Online ^C: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, FirmwareReset
    Online ^E: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, DisplayInterfaceConfig
    Online ^F: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, DisplayInterfaceRdCacheInfo
    Online ^I: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, DisplayControllerRegs
    Online ^K: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, DisplayDstStatus
    Online ^L: Rev 0013.0000, Flash, DisplaySignOnMsg
    Online ^P: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, ToggleDiagIdleMode
    Online ^Q: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, ResumeInterfaceTask
    Online ^R: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, EnableAsciiOnlineSerialPortMode
    Online ^S: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, PauseInterfaceTask
    Online ^T: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, EnableEslipSerialPortMode
    Online ^U: Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisplayCongen
    Online ^V: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, ToggleInterfaceCmdEcho
    Online ^X: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, DisplayInterfaceAndRwCmdHistory
    Online ^Y: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, DisplayDstStatus
    Online ^Z: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, EnableAsciiDiagSerialPortMode
    Online ^\: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, ToggleDebugDisplayEnable
    All Levels CR: Rev 0011.0000, Flash, Abort
    All Levels '/': Rev 0001.0000, Flash, ChangeDiagLevel, /[Level]
    All Levels '+': Rev 0011.0001, Flash, PeekMemoryByte, +[AddrHi],[AddrLo],[Opts]
    All Levels '-': Rev 0011.0001, Flash, PeekMemoryWord, -[AddrHi],[AddrLo],[Opts]
    All Levels '=': Rev 0011.0001, Flash, PokeMemoryByte, =[AddrHi],[AddrLo],[Data],[Opts]
    All Levels '@': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, BatchFileLabel, @[LabelNum]
    All Levels '|': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, BatchFileTerminator, |
    All Levels '*': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SpecialBatchFileFunction, *[FuncId],[FuncParm0],[FuncParm1]
    All Levels 'A': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetTestSpace, A[OptsOrParmSelect],[ParmValue],[AddrType],[HdForCylLimit]
    All Levels 'L': Rev 0001.0002, Overlay, EnableLooping, L[Opts],[CountOrStopOnErrCode]
    Level 1 'S': Rev 0011.0001, Flash, EditProcessorMemoryByte, S[AddrHi],[AddrLo],[MemValue],[NumBytes],[Opts]
    Level 1 'U': Rev 0011.0001, Flash, EditBufferMemoryByte, U[AddrHi],[AddrLo],[MemValue],[NumBytes]
    Level 1 'e': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, SpinDownAndResetDrive, e[MsecDelay],[Opts]
    Level 1 'm': Rev 0011.0001, Flash, EditProcessorMemoryWord, m[AddrHi],[AddrLo],[MemValue],[NumBytes],[Opts]
    Level 1 'B': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferDisplay, B[DisplayBlk],[RefBlk],[NumBlks],[Opts],[SymBits]
    Level 1 'D': Rev 0011.0001, Overlay, DisplayMemoryBlock, D[AddrHi],[AddrLo],[CompVal],[NumBytes],[Opts],[SizeInBytes]
    Level 1 'G': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, GenericRwRequest, G[Parm0],[Parm1],[Parm2],...[Parm9]
    Level 1 'I': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, BufferDllTune, I[action][DLL]
    Level 1 'N': Rev 0014.0000, Overlay, SmartControl, N[SubCmd],[SubCmdParm0],[SubCmdParm1]
    Level 1 'c': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferCompare, c[SrcBlk],[RefBlk],[NumBlks],[ContOnErr]
    Level 2 'J': Rev 0001.0000, Flash, ParticleSweep, J[ Start Cyl ],[ End Cyl ],[ Duration mSec ],[ Dwell mSec ],[ JIT mode ]
    Level 2 'U': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, SpinUpDrive, U[HoldState],[Hd],[Cyl]
    Level 2 'Z': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, SpinDownDrive, Z
    Level 2 'B': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferDisplay, B[DisplayBlk],[RefBlk],[NumBlks],[Opts],[SymBits]
    Level 2 'C': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferCopy, C[SrcBlk],[DestBlk],[NumBlks]
    Level 2 'E': Rev 0012.0000, Overlay, DisplayEditLog, E[LogNum],[ErrCodeOrSpecialFuncKey],[SpecialFunc]
    Level 2 'F': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, ModTrkDfctLst, F[PSctr/LBA],[Action]
    Level 2 'H': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SelectHd, H[Hd],[SkType],[Options]
    Level 2 'I': Rev 0011.0003, Overlay, DisplayModifyAdaptiveParm, I,[GroupId]
    Level 2 'K': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetTrackingOffset, K[OffsetValue],[PersOrTempOpt],[UnitsOpt],[ChanReload]
    Level 2 'M': Rev 0012.0000, Overlay, SetDiagIdleMode, M[ModeSelect],[ModeMask],[ResetToPowerOn]
    Level 2 'N': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, SetDirectWrite, N[EnableDirWrtModeOpt]
    Level 2 'O': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SeekFromCylToCyl, O[StartPhyCyl0],[StartPhyCyl1],[NumSkPairs],[NumSeconds],[Hd]
    Level 2 'P': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferSetPattern, P[PatternSelOrPatternLow],[PatternHi],[PatternBits],[Opts],[BlkNum],[NumBlks]
    Level 2 'Q': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrRdRdChs, Q[Sec],[NumSecs],,[PhyOpt],[Opts]
    Level 2 'R': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdChs, R[Sec],[NumSecs],,[PhyOpt],[Opts]
    Level 2 'S': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SkToLogCyl, S[Cyl],[Hd],[Offset],[OffsetUnitsOpt],[SkType],[Options]
    Level 2 'T': Rev 0013.0000, Overlay, MeasureThroughput, T[Opts],[CylSkew],[HeadSkew],[MiniZoneSkew],[SkewStep],[LengthInTracks],[OffsetInTracks],[NumberOfRetries]
    Level 2 'V': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdVerifyChs, V[Sec],[NumSecs],[CompareBlk],[Opts]
    Level 2 'W': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrChs, W[Sec],[NumSecs],,[PhyOpt],[Opts]
    Level 2 'X': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisplayTrkSectorInfo, X[LogCyl],[Hd],[SysAreaOpt],[Opts],[RowsPerPage]
    Level 2 'Y': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetDerpRetries, Y[Mode],[MaxRdRetries],[MaxWrtRetries],[OtcTLevel],[Options]
    Level 2 'a': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, MeasureOptimumSkew, a
    Level 2 'c': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferCompare, c[SrcBlk],[RefBlk],[NumBlks],[ContOnErr]
    Level 2 'h': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, XlatePhySec, h[Sec],[NumSecs]
    Level 2 'i': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisplayDefectsOnCurrentTrk, i
    Level 2 'j': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdWedge, j[WedgeAddr],[NumWedges],[NumSkipedWedges],[TranSize],[Opts],[RegAddr0],...,[RegAddr13]
    Level 2 'k': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, SetUserSkew, k[CylSkew],[HeadSkew],[MiniZoneSkew]
    Level 2 'l': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, XlateLogSec, l[Sec],[NumSecs]
    Level 2 'o': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, CorruptLba, o[Lba],[NumBlocks],[BurstSpan],[BurstOffset],[NumberOfRandomCorrupt],[Flags]
    Level 2 'r': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdLongOrSystemChs, r[LongSec],[LongSecsOrSysSec],[SysSecs],[LongPhySecOpt],[LongOpts],[SysOpts]
    Level 2 's': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SkToPhyCyl, s[Cyl],[Hd],[ValidKey],[Offset],[OffsetUnitsOpt],[SkType],[Options]
    Level 2 't': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, XlateWedge, t[Wdg],[NumWdgs]
    Level 2 'u': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, EnableDisableChannelPreampRegDisplay, u[EnableDisableOpt]
    Level 2 'v': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, ConvertTrackPercentageToOffsetCount, v[Percentage]
    Level 2 'w': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrLongOrSystemChs, w[LongSec],[LongSecsOrSysSec],[SysSecs],[LongPhySecOpt],,[SysOpts]
    Level 2 'x': Rev 0013.0000, Overlay, DisplayZoneInfo, x[Partition],[Hd],[Zone],[Options]
    Level 2 'y': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetDerpRetryState, y[Type],[PathState],[RetryStateCnt],[LoopCnt1],[LoopCnt2]
    Level 2 'z': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrWedge, z[WedgeAddr],[NumWedges],[NumSkipedWedges],[TranSize],[Opt],[RegAddr0],...,[RegAddr13]
    Level 2 '7': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrVerifyChs, 7[Sec],[NumSecs],[WrBufBlk],[Opts]
    Level 3 'U': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, SpinUpDrive, U[HoldState],[Hd],[Cyl]
    Level 3 'V': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, RwPowerAsicReg, V[RegAddr],[RegValue],[WrOpt]
    Level 3 'Z': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, SpinDownDrive, Z
    Level 3 'D': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, MeasureSkAccessTime, D[SkLength],[SkType],[NumSks]
    Level 3 'E': Rev 0012.0000, Overlay, DisplayEditLog, E[LogNum],[ErrCodeOrSpecialFuncKey],[SpecialFunc]
    Level 3 'H': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SelectHd, H[Hd],[SkType],[Options]
    Level 3 'O': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SeekFromCylToCyl, O[StartPhyCyl0],[StartPhyCyl1],[NumSkPairs],[NumSeconds],[Hd]
    Level 3 'Q': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrRdWrRdChs, Q[Sec],[NumSecs],[Opts]
    Level 3 'R': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, ReadCurrentServoDestination, R
    Level 3 'S': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SkToLogCyl, S[Cyl],[Hd],[Offset],[OffsetUnitsOpt],[SkType],[Options]
    Level 3 'c': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, Measure Latch Force, c[NumberOfSamples]
    Level 3 'f': Rev 0013.0000, Overlay, RealTimeServoTrace, f[SubCmd],[SubPrm0],[SubPrm1],[SubPrm2]
    Level 3 'p': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, XlatePhySec, p[Sec],[NumSecs]
    Level 3 'q': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, XlateLogSec, q[Sec],[NumSecs]
    Level 3 's': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SkToPhyCyl, s[Cyl],[Hd],[ValidKey],[Offset],[OffsetUnitsOpt],[SkType],[Options]
    Level 4 'B': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, EnableDisableRvff, B[NewRvffControlMode]
    Level 4 'D': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, MeasureSkAccessTime, D[SkLength],[SkType],[NumSks]
    Level 4 'E': Rev 0012.0000, Overlay, DisplayEditLog, E[LogNum],[ErrCodeOrSpecialFuncKey],[SpecialFunc]
    Level 4 'H': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SelectHd, H[Hd],[SkType],[Options]
    Level 4 'K': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetTrackingOffset, K[OffsetValue],[PersOrTempOpt],[UnitsOpt],[ChanReload]
    Level 4 'O': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisplayMicroJogForLogChs, O[LogCyl],[Hd],[Opts],[SysAreaOpt]
    Level 4 'S': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SkToLogCyl, S[Cyl],[Hd],[Offset],[OffsetUnitsOpt],[SkType],[Options]
    Level 4 'U': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, ServoBatchTest, U[SubCmd],[SubCmdParm0],[SubCmdParm1],[SubCmdParm2]
    Level 4 'c': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, FindMinOrMaxCylinders c[Head],[Mode],[RangeMultiplier],[RetryCountLimit],[FilterTimeConstant]
    Level 4 'e': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, EnableDisablePesOutput, e[PesLeftShiftCnt],[DisablePesOut]
    Level 4 'g': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, DisplayServoSectorErrorLog, g
    Level 4 'k': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, GetVgaData, k[OpType],[StartHt],[EndHt],[HtInc]
    Level 4 'l': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, ScanTrackForServoDefectsAndZap, l[RdPositionOpt]
    Level 4 'q': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, DisplayServoEventLog, q
    Level 4 's': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, DisplayServoSectorErrorCount, s
    Level 4 't': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisplayModifyZapTable, t[EntryNum],[EntryValue]
    Level 4 'u': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetSkSpeed, u[Opts],[SkSpeed]
    Level 4 'v': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, ButterflySeekTest, v[StartPhyCyl0],[StartPhyCyl1],[NumSkPairs],[NumSeconds],[Hd]
    Level 5 'S': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, EnterServoMatlabShell, S
    Level 5 'B': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, Servo Bode Plot, B[BodeType],[InjAmp],[Fmin],[Fmax],[NumFreq],[NumSamples],[EnableTracing]
    Level 5 'C': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, GenericServoCmd, C[CmdNum],[Parm1],...[Parm7]
    Level 5 'D': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, ReadUnlockDdrBuffer, B[OperateCode]
    Level 5 'E': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, MeasureDiscEccentricity
    Level 5 'G': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SelectServoController, G[Head],[Controller],[InputShift]
    Level 5 'R': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdServoRamAtAddr, R[Addr],[NumBytes]
    Level 5 'U': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, EnableDisableServoUpdates, U[VcmDacUpdateOpt],[AToDUdateOpt]
    Level 5 'W': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrServoRamAtAddr, W[Addr],[NumBytes],[Data]
    Level 5 'Z': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdZapFromDiscToTable, Z
    Level 5 'd': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisableEnableServoZap, d[ZapControlMode]
    Level 5 'e': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, EnableDisableShockSensor, e[Operation]
    Level 5 'i': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdServoSymbolTableAtIndex, i[Index]
    Level 5 'r': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdServoRamAtIndex, r[Index],[NumBytes],[ByteOffset]
    Level 5 'w': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrServoRamAtIndex, w[Index],[NumBytes],[Data],[ByteOffset]
    Level 6 'B': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RunBatchFile, B[BatchFileNum],[DisplayOpt]
    Level 6 'D': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisplayBatchFile, D[BatchFileNum]
    Level 6 'E': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, EnterBatchFile, E[BatchFileNum]
    Level 7 'Z': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, SpinDownDrive, Z
    Level 7 's': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, WrPeripheralReg, s[OpType],[RegAddr],[RegValue],[RegMask],[RegPagAddr]
    Level 7 't': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, RdPeripheralReg, t[OpType],[RegAddr],[NumRegs],[RegMask],[RegPagAddr]
    Level 7 'B': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferDisplay, B[DisplayBlk],[RefBlk],[NumBlks],[Opts],[SymBits]
    Level 7 'C': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferCopy, C[SrcBlk],[DestBlk],[NumBlks]
    Level 7 'D': Rev 0012.0000, Overlay, DisplayTemperature, D,[DevSelect]
    Level 7 'E': Rev 0012.0000, Overlay, DisplayEditLog, E[LogNum],[ErrCodeOrSpecialFuncKey],[SpecialFunc]
    Level 7 'H': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SelectHd, H[Hd],[SkType],[Options]
    Level 7 'I': Rev 0011.0003, Overlay, DisplayModifyAdaptiveParm, I,[GroupId]
    Level 7 'K': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetTrackFormat, K[UserAreaTrkFormatType],[SysAreaTrkFormatType]
    Level 7 'P': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferSetPattern, P[PatternSelOrPatternLow],[PatternHi],[PatternBits],[Opts],[BlkNum],[NumBlks]
    Level 7 'Q': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrRdRdChs, Q[Sec],[NumSecs],,[PhyOpt],[Opts]
    Level 7 'R': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdChs, R[Sec],[NumSecs],,[PhyOpt],[Opts]
    Level 7 'S': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SkToLogCyl, S[Cyl],[Hd],[Offset],[OffsetUnitsOpt],[SkType],[Options]
    Level 7 'U': Rev 0011.0001, Overlay, ChannelTemperatureAdj, U[TweakTemperature],[Partition],[Hd],[Zone],[Opts]
    Level 7 'W': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrChs, W[Sec],[NumSecs],,[PhyOpt],[Opts]
    Level 7 'X': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisplayPreampHdResistance, X
    Level 7 'Y': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetDerpRetries, Y[Mode],[MaxRdRetries],[MaxWrtRetries],[OtcTLevel],[Options]
    Level 7 'b': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, EraseTrk, b[AdjacentTrkCnt],[EraseCntPerTrk],[AcEraseOpt]
    Level 7 'c': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, OffTrackCapability, c[Sec],[NumSecs],[SecIncrement],[Offset]
    Level 7 'h': Rev 0011.0001, Overlay, MarkMediaFlaw, h[PhyCyl],[Hd],[PhySec],[UndisturbedRadius],[EraseBandTrks],[PtrLen],[WgSpec],[Od/Id]
    Level 7 'i': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, GenericRwRequest, i[Parm0],[Parm1],[Parm2],...[Parm9]
    Level 7 'm': Rev 8002.0000, Overlay, DOS, m[clr,min scn]
    Level 7 'r': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdNonVolatileAdaptiveParms, r[Opts]
    Level 7 'u': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, EnableDisableWrFault, u[Op]
    Level 7 'w': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SaveAdaptivesToFlash, w[Seg],,22
    Level 7 'x': Rev 0013.0000, Overlay, DisplayZoneInfo, x[Partition],[Hd],[Zone],[Options]
    Level 7 'y': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetDerpRetryState, y[Type],[PathState],[RetryStateCnt],[LoopCnt1],[LoopCnt2]
    Level 8 'U': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, SpinUpDrive, U[HoldState],[Hd],[Cyl]
    Level 8 'Z': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, SpinDownDrive, Z
    Level 8 'C': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, ServoDiagSubCmds, C[SubCmd],[Parm0],[Parm1],[Parm2]
    Level 8 'R': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, ReadCurrentServoDestination, R
    Level 8 'S': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SkToLogCyl, S[Cyl],[Hd],[Offset],[OffsetUnitsOpt],[SkType],[Options]
    Level 8 'd': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, HeadSmashTest, d[HeadDirection],[AccelerationDuration],[DecelerationDuration],[AccelerationCurrent],[DecelerationCurrent]
    Level A 'C': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, XlatePba, C[PbaHi],[PbaLow],[NumPbas]
    Level A 'D': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, XlateSfi, D[PhyCyl],[Hd],[Sfi],[NumSfis]
    Level A 'E': Rev 0012.0000, Overlay, DisplayEditLog, E[LogNum],[ErrCodeOrSpecialFuncKey],[SpecialFunc]
    Level A 'F': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, XlateLba, F[LbaHi],[LbaLo],[SysAreaOpt],[NumLbas]
    Level A 'M': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetControllerTestPort, M[Port],[Value]
    Level A 'P': Rev 0012.0000, Overlay, MergeAltListIntoSlipList, P
    Level A 'Q': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrRdRdLba, Q[Lba],[NumLbas],[Opts]
    Level A 'R': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdLba, R[Lba],[NumLbas],,[Opts]
    Level A 'S': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SkToLba, S[LbaHi],[LbaLo],[Offset],[OffsetUnitsOpt],[SkType],[Options]
    Level A 'W': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrLba, W[Lba],[NumLbas],,[Opts]
    Level A 'Y': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetDerpRetries, Y[Mode],[MaxRdRetries],[MaxWrtRetries],[OtcTLevel],[Options]
    Level A 'c': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, XlateLllChs, c[Cyl],[Hd],[Sec],[SysAreaOpt],[NumSecs]
    Level A 'd': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, XlatePlpChs, d[Cyl],[Hd],[Sec],[NumSecs]
    Level A 'e': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, XlateNominalCyl, e[Cyl],[Hd],[Sec],[SysAreaOpt]
    Level A 'f': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, XlatePlpChw, f[Cyl],[Hd],[Wdg],[NumWdgs]
    Level A 'l': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisplayTrkInfo, l[LogCyl],[Hd],[SysAreaOpt],[Opts],[RowsPerPage]
    Level A 'y': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetDerpRetryState, y[Type],[PathState],[RetryStateCnt],[LoopCnt1],[LoopCnt2]
    Level C 'Q': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, DisplayAsciiCmdInfo, Q[CmdLevel],[Cmd]
    Level C 'T': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, GoopPlot, T[Hd],[StartTrk],[EndTrk],[ECCLvl],[NoFrcSync],[SkipCnt]
    Level E 'B': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, WrWedge, B[WedgeAddr],[NumWedges],[NumSkipedWedges],[TranSize],[Opt],[RegAddr0],...,[RegAddr13]
    Level E 'C': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdWedge, C[WedgeAddr],[NumWedges],[NumSkipedWedges],[TranSize],[Opts],[RegAddr0],...,[RegAddr13]
    Level E 'G': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, HeadDegradation, G[OperationControlOptions],[MeasurementControlOptions]
    Level E 'd': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, SqmsDibitOpti, d[OptiAlgorithm],[LATE01 NOMR/F],[SweepStartVal],[SweepEndVal],[IterationCnt],[Verbose]
    Level E 'm': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, FastMseserMeasurement, m[]
    Level E 'n'No help available
    Level E 'o': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, FineRwOffset, o[NumAvgs],[TrkStepSize],[NumGuardTrks]
    Level E 'w': Rev 0011.0001, Overlay, SlowWrChs, w[Sec],[NumSecs],[ConSec],[Skip],[UnitOfSkip]
    Level F 'U': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, SpinUpDrive, U[HoldState],[Hd],[Cyl]
    Level F 'Z': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, SpinDownDrive, Z
    Level F 'b': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, SetBaudRate, b[BaudRate],[MsecDelay]
    Level F 't': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, WrPeripheralReg, t[OpType],[RegAddr],[RegValue],[RegMask],[RegPagAddr]
    Level F 'B': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferDisplay, B[DisplayBlk],[RefBlk],[NumBlks],[Opts],[SymBits]
    Level F 'C': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferCopy, C[SrcBlk],[DestBlk],[NumBlks]
    Level F 'D': Rev 0011.0001, Overlay, DisplayMemoryBlock, D[AddrHi],[AddrLo],[CompVal],[NumBytes],[Opts],[SizeInBytes]
    Level F 'E': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, SymbolErrorMap, E[trk],[hd],[srt sctr],[sctr cnt],[action],[mx err]
    Level F 'P': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferSetPattern, P[PatternSelOrPatternLow],[PatternHi],[PatternBits],[Opts],[BlkNum],[NumBlks]
    Level F 'V': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferCompare, V[SrcBlk],[RefBlk],[NumBlks],[ContOnErr]
    Level F 'Y': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetDerpRetries, Y[Mode],[MaxRdRetries],[MaxWrtRetries],[OtcTLevel],[Options]
    Level F 'r': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdSystemChs, r[LogSec],[NumSecs],[Opts]
    Level F 's': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SkToPhyCyl, s[Cyl],[Hd],[ValidKey],[Offset],[OffsetUnitsOpt],[SkType],[Options]
    Level F 'y': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SetDerpRetryState, y[Type],[PathState],[RetryStateCnt],[LoopCnt1],[LoopCnt2]
    Level F 'z': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SataDebug, z[SubCmd],[Parm1],[Parm2],[Parm3]
    Level G 'B': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, FillCorrectionBuffer, B[StartAddr],[EndAddr],[Pattern],[Opts]
    Level G 'C': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, CopyCorrectionBuffer, C[SrcAddr],[DestAddr],[NumSyms]
    Level G 'D': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisplayCorrectionBuffer, D[StartAddr],[EndAddr],[CompareData]
    Level G 'F': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, FillSuperParityRam, F[StartAddr],[EndAddr],[Pattern]
    Level G 'G': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisplaySuperParityRam, G[StartAddr],[EndAddr]
    Level H 'B': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferDisplay, B[DisplayBlk],[RefBlk],[NumBlks],[Opts],[SymBits]
    Level H 'D': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, FieldAdjustFlyHeight, c[Flags],[NumCollectionsToAvg],[PctOf***LowFreq],[PctOf***HighFreq],
    Level H 'F': Rev 0002.0001, Overlay, MdContactDetect, F[Flags],[NumRevsToAvg],[PctOf***],[HscIntgLength],
    Level H 'P': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, BufferSetPattern, P[PatternSelOrPatternLow],[PatternHi],[PatternBits],[Opts],[BlkNum],[NumBlks]
    Level H 'S': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SkToLogCyl, S[Cyl],[Hd],[Offset],[OffsetUnitsOpt],[SkType],[Options]
    Level H 'b': Rev 0013.0000, Overlay, ContactDetect, b[Flags],[Revs],[BaselineRevs],[StartWedge],[A],[B],[C],[D],[E],[StartHt],[HtInc],
    Level H 'c': Rev 0003.0000, Overlay, CalClearanceCoefsAdjustment, c[Flags],[NumRevsToAvg],[PctOf***],[PctOfTgtClr],
    Level L 'C': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, CopyLogFile, C[SrcLog],[DestLog],[AppendOpt]
    Level L 'D': Rev 0012.0000, Overlay, DisplayLogFile, D[Log],[ErrCode]
    Level L 'E': Rev 0011.0001, Overlay, EnableDisableLogging, E[ErrLoggingOpt],[AsciiLoggingOpt],[RwStatsLoggingOpt]
    Level L 'I': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisplayLogFileInfo, I[Log]
    Level L 'c': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, CreateLogFile, c[Log],[LogType],[BufferOrDiskOpt],[NumBytes]
    Level L 'd': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DeleteLogFile, d[Log]
    Level L 'i': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, InitLogFile, i[Log]
    Level T 'B': Rev 0011.0000, Flash, SetBaudRate, B[BaudRate],[MsecDelay]
    Level T 'm': Rev 0012.0803, Flash, FormatPartition, m[Partition],[FormatOpts],[DefectListOpts],[MaxWrRetryCnt],[MaxRdRetryCnt],
    Level T 'E': Rev 0012.0000, Overlay, DisplayEditLog, E[LogNum],[ErrCodeOrSpecialFuncKey],[SpecialFunc]
    Level T 'F': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DisplayModifyCongenCmdHelpMsg, F[ValueRef],[Data],[ResetEnable]
    Level T 'J': Rev 0011.0001, Overlay, DisplayModifyCap, J[ParmValue],[ParmId],[ParmArrayBytes],[ParmByteArrayOffset]
    Level T 'O': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, SelectDataOutputMode, O[Mode],[VerboseOpts]
    Level T 'P': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, DownloadGenericFile, P[FileBytes]
    Level T 'R': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, RdNonVolatileAdaptiveParms, R[Opts]
    Level T 'T': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, OddEvenEncroachmentTest, T[strt tk],[end tk],[hd],[rtry thrshld][ECC thrshld
    Level T 'V': Rev 0014.0000, Overlay, DisplayDefectLists, V[ListMask],[Hd],[StartCyl],[NumCyls],[Summary],[FlagsMask]
    Level T 'W': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, SaveAdaptivesToFlash, W[Seg],,22
    Level T 'i': Rev 0011.0001, Overlay, InitDefectList, i[DefectListSelect],[SaveListOpt],[ValidKey]
    Level T 'r': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, ReadFile, r[FileId],[VolumeNum],[CopyNum],[ByteOffset],[Length],[OutputFmt]
    Level T 'w': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, WriteFile, w[FileId],[VolumeNum],[CopyNum],[ByteOffset]
    Level T '[': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, AsciiLogControl, [[LogFunction],[Log]
    F3 C>

    F3 2>x1

    System Partition

    LBAs 00000000-0004C3F7
    PBAs 00000000-0004CB2F
    HdSkew 006E, CylSkew 0018
    ZonesPerHd 02

    Head 0, PhyCyls 03DE7F-03DFD2, LogCyls 000000-000152

    Physical Logical Sec Sym Sym Data
    Zn Cylinders Cylinders Track Wedge Track Rate
    00 03DE7F-03DF28 000000-0000A9 039C 0529 00074880 496.875
    01 03DF29-03DFD2 0000AA-000153 039C 0529 00074880 496.875

    F3 2>A0
    Current Addr Mode
    User LLL CHS Mode
    Hd 0 Cyl 000000

    All Addr Modes
    User LBA Mode
    LBAs 00000000 - 1D1C596F
    System LBA Mode
    LBAs 00000000 - 0004C3F7
    User LLL CHS and User LLP CHW Modes
    Hd 0 Cyls 000000 - 03D6BD
    System LLL CHS and System LLP CHW Modes
    Hd 0 Cyls 000000 - 000152
    PLP CHS and PLP CHW Modes
    Hd 0 Cyls 000000 - 03DFD2

    Buffer Sector Offset 00000000

    F3 2>?
    Blks 00105B-00105B (000001), BufAddr 0020B600-0020B7FF, DBA 0620B600, BytesPerBlk 200 Cmd Input Buf
    Blks 00105C-00105C (000001), BufAddr 0020B800-0020B9FF, DBA 0620B800, BytesPerBlk 200 Diag Batch File
    Blks 00105D-00105D (000001), BufAddr 0020BA00-0020BBFF, DBA 0620BA00, BytesPerBlk 200
    Blks 00105E-00105E (000001), BufAddr 0020BC00-0020BDFF, DBA 0620BC00, BytesPerBlk 200
    Blks 00105F-00105F (000001), BufAddr 0020BE00-0020BFFF, DBA 0620BE00, BytesPerBlk 200
    Blks 001060-001060 (000001), BufAddr 0020C000-0020C1FF, DBA 0620C000, BytesPerBlk 200
    Blks 001061-001061 (000001), BufAddr 0020C200-0020C3FF, DBA 0620C200, BytesPerBlk 200
    Blks 001062-001075 (000014), BufAddr 0020C400-0020EBFF, DBA 0620C400, BytesPerBlk 200 Online Cmd SDBP DFB
    Blks 001076-001089 (000014), BufAddr 0020EC00-002113FF, DBA 0620EC00, BytesPerBlk 200 Symbol Error Map Log
    Blks 00108A-00109D (000014), BufAddr 00211400-00213BFF, DBA 06211400, BytesPerBlk 200 Test Service SDBP DSB
    Blks 00109E-0010B1 (000014), BufAddr 00213C00-002163FF, DBA 06213C00, BytesPerBlk 200
    Blks 0010B2-0010F9 (000048), BufAddr 00216400-0021F3FF, DBA 06216400, BytesPerBlk 200 Diag Mode Cmd SDBP DFB
    Blks 0010FA-001141 (000048), BufAddr 0021F400-002283FF, DBA 0621F400, BytesPerBlk 200
    Blks 001142-001189 (000048), BufAddr 00228400-002313FF, DBA 06228400, BytesPerBlk 200 Drive Geometry Info
    Blks 00118A-0011D1 (000048), BufAddr 00231400-0023A3FF, DBA 06231400, BytesPerBlk 200
    Blks 0011D2-001219 (000048), BufAddr 0023A400-002433FF, DBA 0623A400, BytesPerBlk 200
    Blks 00121A-001273 (00005A), BufAddr 00243400-0024E7FF, DBA 06243400, BytesPerBlk 200
    Blks 001274-0012CD (00005A), BufAddr 0024E800-00259BFF, DBA 0624E800, BytesPerBlk 200
    Blks 0021FA-00293B (000742), BufAddr 0043F400-00529507, DBA 0643F400, BytesPerBlk 204 Default Diag Rd Buf
    Blks 00294C-00308D (000742), BufAddr 00529800-00613907, DBA 06529800, BytesPerBlk 204 Default Diag Wrt Buf

    can you help me please ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS


    Could you please explain what are you trying to do, as i am confused about what you want to replace in the drive? How old is this drive and are you having any sort of trouble with it? Can you try to do a firmware upgrade that might be available at the Seagate website.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    Thank you for your response, I got this little HDD (250 GB) on an old tv decoder hs, but it is blocked by a password ata. I can not find firmware for this drive on the web. This drive was working fine before the decoder turns off forever ... I wish I could recycle this hdd. Thank you for your help.

    Merci de votre réponse, j'ai récupéré ce petit hdd (250 Gb) sur un vieux décodeur tv hs, mais il est bloqué par un password ata. Je ne trouve pas de firmware pour ce disque sur le web. Ce disque fonctionnait très bien avant que le décodeur ne s'éteigne Ã* jamais ... J'aimerais bien pouvoir recycler ce hdd. Merci pour votre aide.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    Quote Originally Posted by buldo View Post
    Thank you for your response, I got this little HDD (250 GB) on an old tv decoder hs, but it is blocked by a password ata. I can not find firmware for this drive on the web. This drive was working fine before the decoder turns off forever ... I wish I could recycle this hdd. Thank you for your help.

    Merci de votre réponse, j'ai récupéré ce petit hdd (250 Gb) sur un vieux décodeur tv hs, mais il est bloqué par un password ata. Je ne trouve pas de firmware pour ce disque sur le web. Ce disque fonctionnait très bien avant que le décodeur ne s'éteigne Ã* jamais ... J'aimerais bien pouvoir recycler ce hdd. Merci pour votre aide.
    How old is the drive? Well, there are many third party services, that are normally charged, for unlocking any kind of hard drive. You can either check with HDD Unlock or seagateunlock site for same and see if they can remove the ata password from the drive with a modded version of firmware that may have.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    hdd ST3250312CS is 08/06/09. yes I know the hddunlock service, he asked me $ 20 for a disk of 250 Gb. I do not want to pay that amount to a disk of this capacity. I wrote to unlock seagate to see if there was a firmware for this drive, but I have no answer.
    I prefer to find someone who teaches me how to read the SA vendor track so I unlocked myself this disc.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    Quote Originally Posted by buldo View Post
    hdd ST3250312CS is 08/06/09. yes I know the hddunlock service, he asked me $ 20 for a disk of 250 Gb. I do not want to pay that amount to a disk of this capacity. I wrote to unlock seagate to see if there was a firmware for this drive, but I have no answer.
    I prefer to find someone who teaches me how to read the SA vendor track so I unlocked myself this disc.
    From what i have heard, the password is stored on the platters and not on the PCB. The solution provided here entails reading the Vendor Track. You can also use SeDiv to do this.

    SeDiv Seagate Terminal:

    English documentation:

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    thank you for your response.
    With SeDiv, I can not find Track Vendor.
    I've used Sediv but it does not support this disk.
    Indeed, the method to remove the password is:
    Vendor to Track Seek, Read Track, Copy Bufer Read to Write Buffer, Edit Buffers to First Byte 00, wrote the buffer back to the drive.
    But the command g1 is not supported.
    how to read Vendor track ????

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    Quote Originally Posted by buldo View Post
    thank you for your response.
    With SeDiv, I can not find Track Vendor.
    I've used Sediv but it does not support this disk.
    Indeed, the method to remove the password is:
    Vendor to Track Seek, Read Track, Copy Bufer Read to Write Buffer, Edit Buffers to First Byte 00, wrote the buffer back to the drive.
    But the command g1 is not supported.
    how to read Vendor track ????

    I think that you will want a program to input hex data as ATA password. As there are some computer that lock drives in bios with HEX data instead of ASCII password. You can input a file as a password with the help of Victoria program. It might be able to hash the file in a password or if you can make a file in hex editor with password then you can input that using the file option which will be available.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    I do not know the password (it comes from an old TV decoder) and so do not just put it with MHDD or Victoria. I want acces to the vendor track to set the corresponding bit to 0.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: G1 equivalent for Seagate ST3500312CS

    Quote Originally Posted by buldo View Post
    I do not know the password (it comes from an old TV decoder) and so do not just put it with MHDD or Victoria. I want acces to the vendor track to set the corresponding bit to 0.
    There is no other free way to access the vendor track on your seagate hard drive, since you have already mentioned Sediv does not supports your hdd. The best and easiest way for you will to be go for the paid solutions offered by the hddunlock site and ask them whether they can unlock the ata password or not from the drive.
    you know you've made it big on here when you have your own imposter

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