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Thread: Western digital WD5000AAKS internal hard drive not booting and giving weird noise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Western digital WD5000AAKS internal hard drive not booting and giving weird noise

    I am having pc which has the western digital 500GB hard drive. Model no is WD5000AAKS. It’s now not working and not allowing me to boot to the operating system. So can anyone know what I the problem and other thing I want to mention is that it gives 4 times beeps which are actually like the siren while starting up the system? And after that the computer shows the updates are not bootable. So can anyone tell what the actual cause of the problem is?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Western digital WD5000AAKS internal hard drive not booting and giving weird noise

    I have faced the same problem like you with my hard drive also some days ago. Such a sound you are specified is causing due to the spindle of the hard drive. As what I know the spindle of your hard drive is stopped working due to some of the reasons. So I will suggest you to replace your hard drive if your product is under warranty. Since I have also replaced my hard drive and now I have no problem with my latest one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Western digital WD5000AAKS internal hard drive not booting and giving weird noise

    I will suggest you to contact the hardware professional for the problem you are facing he will check if there is any hardware related problem with motherboard or with the hard drive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Western digital WD5000AAKS internal hard drive not booting and giving weird noise

    I want to ask you one question do you updated firmware of the hard drive. Since if you done this it will cause the problem due to incompatibility of the drive type. And if not updated then try to update your firmware of the hard drive but chooses perfect firmware of your hard drive only. the other thing I want to mention is that this problem can also the cause of the motherboard so try to check motherboard is working with the other hard drive. If it is working then the hard disk of your is gone. And if it Is not working then the mother board need to be replaced.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Western digital WD5000AAKS internal hard drive not booting and giving weird noise

    Yes the sound is from the drive spindle only. And it is not getting resolved by me. So I have contacted service center regarding the problem. They have taken my hard drive for resolving the problem. so I think I will get the new hard drive as the replacement.

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