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Thread: Manufacturer's diagnostic utility for hard drives in Toshiba laptop

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Manufacturer's diagnostic utility for hard drives in Toshiba laptop

    Is there Does Toshiba have a manufacturer's diagnostic utility for their hard drives? I have discovered one for every major brand except their's (WD, Maxtor, Seagate, Fujitsu, etc). I've looked in their respective site a lot of a time and have yet to locate anything. Does anyone have a link to one, if they even have one? Please help me out for this question , I will give you whatever information you want from me , but in return I need the correct response . Please .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Manufacturer's diagnostic utility for hard drives in Toshiba laptop

    Toshiba doesn't build a utility for their drives, but a few of the other manufacturers tools have a choice to do a 3rd party drive experiment. I know Seagate’s Seatools has this alternative. So Carrying the computer to an official repair center is usually not an inexpensive option if the guarantee has expired, and most possible the minimum service charge then will be additional than the charge of a new disk drive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Manufacturer's diagnostic utility for hard drives in Toshiba laptop

    I will too recommend the above said suggestion as well . Because that is the ideal place where we can we download official Toshiba hard disk diagnostic and utility application ? Well if you ask me I am also searching looking for the software to assign the maximum SATA speed to 1.5 Gb/s. Toshiba's hard drive website states support is in the course of the distributor or dealer, for drives bought disjointedly, through the PC manufacturer otherwise.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Manufacturer's diagnostic utility for hard drives in Toshiba laptop

    As I comprehend Toshiba has no authorized software diagnostic tools for their Hard Disks.PLEASE, can anyone let me know which software is accepted from Toshiba as a suitable diagnostic solution?For instance, if I am going to use Seatools on their drives and it does not give me any sort of success , will they RMA it or not? Until now their RMA subdivision won't accept them, saying that they make use of a utility of their own and till the time as this utility of them doesn't come up with issues , the HDDs are just fine. I'm facing vast problems with their HDD RMA.

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