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Thread: Gigabyte GA890GPA-UD3H motherboard Won't post with more than 1 PCIe TV Tuner Cards

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Gigabyte GA890GPA-UD3H motherboard Won't work with more than 1 PCIe TV Tuner Cards

    I have a GA890GPA-UD3H (Rev2.1) motherboard from gigabyte purchased with the purpose of configuring a Media/TV server. My friend also bought the similar motherboard at the similar occasion from a dissimilar vendor meant for the identical intention. We like this motherboard because it has on-board graphics and 5 PCI-E slots. Most useful feature is about 5 PCI-E slots because I want to put a 3 Black Gold BGT3595 TV Cards. There is problem with the TV card and the motherboard. If I install more than 1 TV card it won’t position by any means but it is well with single. After some try and updating to the latest BIOS my friend can able to install 2 Pinnacle 3010iX TV cards but it also cannot take the 3rd one. I don’t want to go for any other motherboard for now. Is there any way to get going these things together? It is very stressful way to locate a motherboard which has 5 PCI-E slots along with onboard graphics. Do you have any idea about this issue?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Gigabyte GA890GPA-UD3H motherboard Won't post with more than 1 PCIe TV Tuner Cards

    I didn’t go for deep research or experiment for your issue. But still I am generally telling you that it might be something regarding to the power issue in your computer specification. When the power issue comes it is obviously matter of PSU. I think that the current PSU you are holding right now might not able to distribute or share enough power to motherboard as well as PCI-E slot. As you know the PCI-E slots are current generation technology to function more efficient that it’s elder cousin PCI slots. 3 cards means you must need more power to run.

  3. #3
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    Feb 2010

    Re: Gigabyte GA890GPA-UD3H motherboard Won't post with more than 1 PCIe TV Tuner Cards

    If you are pointing that it is about the issue of PSU then I think that motherboard itself is not capable. As you are telling that you can able to run 2 TV cards in other vendor’s motherboard seems to be little confusing. If the gigabyte has 5 PCI-E slot then it should work. I am still unable to find out what is the real issue. Did u get the latest BIOS and firmware? It may be the problem the TV card firmware. I think that you should contact the Gigabyte tech support to know about your motherboard.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2010

    Re: Gigabyte GA890GPA-UD3H motherboard Won't post with more than 1 PCIe TV Tuner Cards

    What version of edition of PCIe you have in your motherboard? As far as I know the latest version is PCIe 3.0. Here what the issue is that the elder 2250 TV tuner cards do not hold up PCIe 2.0 which would reasons the performance you're considering. The older card would be accepted in an x1 slot however not inside the x16 slot. Various retailers, not just TV tuner cards manufacturers enclose this trouble. So you need to get TV card with new modern chipset that can be compatible with either PCIe slot or whatever version your motherboard includes. But i heard that in your motherboard there are 2 PCIe x16 slots with CrossfireX support and 3 PCIe x1 slots.
    Last edited by Chakradev; 05-01-2011 at 12:12 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Gigabyte GA890GPA-UD3H motherboard Won't post with more than 1 PCIe TV Tuner Cards

    What version of OS you are currently using? I think that you cannot use more than 1 TV cards in that version of OS. The OS might not be capable to recognize the second card. If you are using Windows version then I urge you to try any Linux version and see will it going to work. If it can then you will get the reason. If still it cannot then I think that you should replace your motherboard. Did you try the Windows trouble shooter for help?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Gigabyte GA890GPA-UD3H motherboard Won't post with more than 1 PCIe TV Tuner Cards

    I assume that you might have heard about the 2 versions of PCIe slots. They are 1x and the 16x. Can you tell me in which PCIe slots you are trying to install TV tuner cards? Some cards are compatible with either 1x or 16x. If you haven’t heard about this yet, you should get it first before configuring your Media center PC. Here the main things to concern about 2 kinds of PCIe slots is a software or firmware which you are going to install on it to function the TV tuner card. I heard that some drivers are still not compatible with PCI-E 2.0.

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