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Thread: Problem in creating partition on Samsung Hard Drive

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Problem in creating partition on Samsung Hard Drive

    I am having the computer system which has the Windows 7 operating system. This desktop has come with the 500GB Hard drive inside. Now i am attaching it the Samsung 160GB hard drive from my older computer. I want to repartition this hard drive but the partition task is not completing in this system. However i am able to format this hard drive but not able to do the partition of this Hard disk drive. There is the problem in creating partition on Samsung Hard Drive.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Problem in creating partition on Samsung Hard Drive

    You are having the Windows 7 operating system in this new desktop computer and this hard drive which you are connecting to this new desktop is from the older computer system. May be because of the the windows is not able to complete the partition of this second hard drive. Although you have not mentioned that which method you are using for the Partitioning of this Samsung hard drive. Because there are many ways to partition the hard drive of the computer system.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Problem in creating partition on Samsung Hard Drive

    If you are getting the problem in creating the partition on your computer system which has the Windows 7 operating system then i think you should format and partition this Samsung Hard drive by connecting to some other computer system. Because this is the one way left for you because your computer system is not able to partition this hard drive. I think there is some problem in your system with this Samsung hard drive that is why this type of the problem is coming.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Problem in creating partition on Samsung Hard Drive

    For doing the new partition on this Samsung hard drive go to the my computer, after that select the drive that you want to partition , right click->Tools tab-> disk -> Defragmentation.
    Now Disk defregmenter window will appear , select the drive and select the Defragment option. Select the quota for each drive which you want to create. This will properly partition the Hard disk as required by you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Problem in creating partition on Samsung Hard Drive

    The Step by step procedure for creating the partition on the Hard drive. Follow this Steps and partition your Samsung 160GB hard Drive properly.
    1-Start the system in Command Prompt
    2-Run "FDISK."
    3-Enter 5 if you're partitioning a second drive, and select the drive; otherwise, skip to the next step.
    4-Enter 1 .
    5-Enter 2 to create a partition.
    6-Enter N when the program asks if you want to use the maximum available size.
    7-Designate the amount of disk space to allocate to the second partition .
    8-Type a name for the new partition and press Enter. The partition menu will appear.
    9-Repeat steps 5 through 8 to create additional partitions.
    10-Press Esc to exit the partition command.
    11-Format the newly created partitions

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Problem in creating partition on Samsung Hard Drive

    You can do the partition of all the hard drives connected to your computer system at the time of the Operating system. If possible for you to reinstall the Operating system again in your computer system then i will recommend you to do that. Otherwise if you cannot afford to do that then you should contact to the Computer engineer for this issue. He will solve this problem very effectively and take the appropriate method to resolve this problem of the Hard Drive partition of the Samsung 160GB Hard Drive.

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