Hi all. I noticed a few other threads on this but since my case is a bit different, I decided to start a new one. I have a Dell Dimension 2350.
At startup, I get a screen with the alert:CPU fan not detected.
Obviously I checked the back of the desktop and 2 fans are visible. Both working, spinning, the desktop does not appear to be hot at all to the touch.
Also, I did not open up the case at all, changed any hardware, or dropped it. This message just seemed to appear. If I can think of anything different that I have been doing, it is that I have been putting it on standby to reduce energy consumption (yay for electric bills =( ) So, that is the only difference.
I can also press F1 and get right to Windows, operate all programs. It is an older comp but not bogged down with anything really, only 512 RAM and I like to keep some programs for security running, lately it is a little slower at times.
But I was wondering if I need to open up my computer or not since I see the 2 fans from the back working. Why is the alert coming up?
I will appreciate any and all feedback. Thank you.