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Thread: Which is the best Intel Atom processor ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Exclamation Which is the best Intel Atom processor ??

    yes ive also heard of the Intel Atom 330 but is it in which netbook is it utilized ?? Plz tell me which is the best Atom processor ??? also plz express ur views on the N and Z series ! and which is the better from these ??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Which is the best Intel Atom processor ??

    I would suggest you to go with n Series because it is used in Intel's low-cost Mini-ITX motherboards and each running at 1.6 GHz core speed (both N270 & 230 are single core) with a 533 MHz FSB speed. An N280 with a 1.66 GHz clockspeed and a 667 MHz FSB has since appeared. About Intel atom processor you can execute up to two instructions per cycle. The performance of a single core Atom is equal to around half that offered by an equivalent Celeron.

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