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Thread: No Sound from Webcam

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    No Sound from Webcam


    My system is a dell vostro 1400 which has a sigmatel stac 92XX C-major HD audio sound card and a omnivision/creative webcam.I am using linux. and it's been a few days i have installed the same on my computer with open suse 10.3 with KDE. the issue is am not able to get the sound from my machine. The webcam and the touchpad scroll doesn't work..however the driver is also not working for me. Please help me out solve these issues.

    any ideas wold be brilliant.!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: No Sound from Webcam

    Hey do you have an in built microphone on your computer. you will get only if your webcam has a built-in microphone. If it does, check all your sound settings (Control Panel -> Sounds and Audio Devices) and confirm that it has your webcam as the microphone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: No Sound from Webcam

    What version of the alsa driver do you have installed? I got a Vostro 1400 as well but I'm working with Gnome rather than of KDE. I've attempted to get my audio working but I've got a different sound card. I'm still working on the webcam but running out of luck. I did not get what you mean by touchpad scroll. My touchpad is working just fine but I'm not a fond of touchpad am comfortable with my usb wireless mouse.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: No Sound from Webcam

    You made sure the volume properties from the SysTray are not put in Mute on Line In or Mic (or whichever connection you have it connected to) in
    RECORDING. File, Options.....Being an old UNIX head but relatively new to SuSE, all this repository stuff makes my head hurt. I'm used to doing things the old fashion way

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