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Thread: External drive problems (file system changed to RAW), please help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    External drive problems (file system changed to RAW), please help!


    I have a problem with my external harddrive. It is Philips SPD5100CC 160GB.
    Couple of days ago, I was performing a defrag on it (dunno whether it's really the reason), then I dont know whether 30 minutes or later, I noticed that defrag stopped doing it. And when I go to My computer I see the disk, go into it and it shows no folders or files and that I have 0 bytes space and 0 bytes used. I cant see it under Disk Management in Administrative Tools.
    When I go into cmd and put the name of the disk G: it says that it cant find a specific file, if i put eg. Y: it says no such disk. Weird.
    I tried to check the stuff on some recovery data apps and it completely doesnt show my disk. Even total commander says no such drive :/
    But on the other hand in the device manager I can uninstall USB connection and the disk. Then when i plug usb again it says: looking for new hardware, then it shows the name of the disk, I get icon in my computer, but that;s it.
    I had loads of data that I am so desperate to get back.

    Could you help me?

    Thank you.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: External drive problems (file system changed to RAW), please help!

    It can be possible that your NTFS became Corrupt. You need to format the drive. You can use Data Recovery Software to backup the data. There are many free shareware available on the net.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: External drive problems (file system changed to RAW), please help!

    I guess while defrag you hard drive might had some issue or there would be some bad sector in it or some of the files might have got corrupted because of which your file system has being changed to RAW. If your hard drive is in warranty period then get it replaced.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: External drive problems (file system changed to RAW), please help!

    Download the below NTFS data recovery software to recover your data. Your hard drive partition is corrupted. That does not means that you hard drive is gone it can be used after formatting. But for the data you will need a recovery software. The software is excellent in restoring corrutped file and bad sectors. Go to the below link and download it.
    NTFS Recovery

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: External drive problems (file system changed to RAW), please help!

    I think your problem is just like me. & the bad news is I could not recover my data from my external Hard drive. I had connected the external drive to the PC & on startup windows run checkdisk utility for the drive & after its completion for around half hr. I got around 500 chk folders & I lost me data. Specially the .exe files. I think in your case please check your drive in another PC & see if it helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: External drive problems (file system changed to RAW), please help!

    I think its time to format the disk.

    You can contact to Philips support to know whether they provides data recovery or not. See help of your product here :

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