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Thread: Set up Old harddrive as primary

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Set up Old harddrive as primary

    I Have Bought a new Dell Dimension, the problem is that i cannot get my old harddisk to work on my new dell system , the issue is that if i old hardrive to new dell system, as primary it is not being detected (actually it is detected in bios), but crashes system while loading windows , when i set my new harddisk as primary it does have any issue , please tell me how can i set my old as hardrive as primary in my new system thanks in advace

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Set up Old hard drive as primary

    You have to set the "jumper" position to slave . It is a small piece of plastic in the shape of a rectangle that is inserted into small pin on the back of the hard disk, it must be shown in your manual. If it is a first installation of a hard disk, do not touch anything,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Set up Old hard drive as primary

    i was facing same issue , after doing the jumper setting , i follow these steps , why dont you follow them , they might work in your case

    1. Connect the hard drive, and wait for the automatic installation of drivers.
    2. On the Start menu, right-click My Computer (Computer)> Manage
    3. Click Disk Management
    4. The Initialization Wizard should launch automatically, otherwise right-click the new disk> Initialize Disk
    5. Leave the settings as such, and click OK
    6. That the disc is initialized. But it is still unusable. It must be partitioned.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Set up Old hard drive as primary

    After initialization, repeat right-click the disk to start the New Partition Wizard to create a "extended" partition. Do again right click on the disk (or rather on the newly created partition) and choose "Create a new logical drive ..." from the contextual menu. The wizard offers several file formats (FTFS, FAT32, NTFS ...), use fat32 as being the most common under windows XP. Once formatting is complete, your disc is ready. You have the possibility to split the free space to create multiple partitions in a single disc.

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